Chapter 42: Willow's true colors

Start from the beginning

"Okay everyone, let's get to work!" Maxine excitedly yelled once they were all done eating.

"Yes, leopard queen!" All the leopard workers yelled, bowing their heads down.

All of Maxine's two friends were assigned important jobs managing the kitchen. Her staff began prepping and baking before the banquet.

Maxine giggled seeing her two friends act serious. Especially Jessica who had begun scolding the leopard chefs for their messy station.

The tiger female with black hair and green eyes was Jessica. She assigned Jessica to be the second in charge since she was the most responsible and mature one in their group.

And the leopard female with short brown hair and brown eyes was Eve. With her excellent taste buds Eve was assigned to being a taste tester. Eve had a love for food and she was a real foodie when it comes to food. It was shocking to hear that Eve had a bunch of rabbit mates instead of leopards. Since she herself was a leopard female. With a bunch of rabbit males she had a lot of bunny children to feed. Eve and her basket full of bunny cubs helped test and taste samples of fruits to vegetables.

When Maxine was watching her staff and friends work. She didn't expect that being with them would be fun. Her boring life she had a month ago now turned into something exciting.

She remembered the day she met her three best friends. It was a month before she was the leopard queen. It was during a sunny afternoon where she met Jessica and Eve. She came to a female gathering hosted by the lousy tiger king who her family "Caius" didn't like so much. There were a bunch of haughty females showing off to one another. Most of the females that were the prettiest were at the front of the lines while others were at the back. Maxine knew that the event there was based on a female's appearance and popularity.

She did not have a single interest in wanting to participate and the only reason why she came here was to find a perfect mate for Raymond. Whom she dragged along by the ear. Everything changed when she met eyes with them at the very back of the crowd. Maxine's curiosity sparked wanting to introduce herself to them. She walked right up to them and extended her hand.

From then on the three females became the bestest of friends similar to that of soul sisters. They had each other's backs since that day.


For the next two days with the help of Maxine's friends and her two mates they had finished setting up the banquet.

Today was the mark of the fall banquet being held in the main leopard castle. It was held on the first floor where a big crystal chandelier was installed in the center. By far it was the fanciest banquet since it extended to the back of the leopard castle where it was decorated with extravagant stuff.

She went all out for his banquet! It had to be perfect enough so everyone could enjoy it.

Maxine was proud to say that she and her team did so well! There was even a hibachi station outside she incorporated at the last minute! Inside the banquet there were long tables filled with scrumptious food and live entertainment playing in the background. The sounds of orcs playing instruments were personally taught by Lezon, a master of the arts.

The original fall banquet from the novel was that of an ordinary bond fire. Now it has drastically changed to a proper party inside and outside the leopard castle. Since there is a banquet every year hosted by kings. She believed that the fall banquet should be a place where orcs can have fun and enjoy eating food before the harsh winter comes.

Maxine at the top of the stage with her two mates and Raymond by her side. She sat down next to Caius in their royal chairs. When looking around the banquet she heard many happy chatters and laughter in the air. She smiled seeing the excitement inside the room especially with orcs eyeing the food ready to eat.

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