Baby, it's cold outside

Start from the beginning

A giggle bubbled up from Katelyn as she burst into laughter, her movements gentle as she playfully nudged Aphmau's side. "Relax, Aphmau," she reassured, her laughter tinkling like wind chimes in a gentle breeze. "I'm just pulling your leg. Living with you and Kawaii-chan has been an absolute blast. There's never a dull moment with you two around."

The room fills with laughter as our bond deepens, the warmth of friendship blending seamlessly with the cozy ambiance of Aphmau's home and the delightful taste of hot cocoa.

"Okay well that took forever, and yes we had a few casualties with a few classes, and the milk fell on the floor and... you know what we don't need to recount those incidents, what WE need to do now is just have a toast to being toasty in the uh... cold winter storm which we will be going into in a second so a toast to that" as Aphmau finishes her sentence, we press our cups together as we all finish our hot cocoas. Collecting their cups I volunteered to place them down in the sink for them.

As I returned from the kitchen, carrying a tray of steaming mugs filled with hot cocoa, the scene before me unfolded like a lively tableau. Katelyn suddenly leaped out of her chair, a burst of energy animating her movements. "With no singing involved!" she declared with a playful grin, her voice infused with a hint of challenge.

Aphmau's expression briefly registered disappointment, but she quickly rallied, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Aww, alright," she conceded, her tone still tinged with playful competitiveness. "Now, let's make this a bit more interesting. Whoever builds the best snowman takes out the garbage for the other person for the next... three... times! How about that?" Her challenge hung in the air, thick with anticipation.

Katelyn's eyes lit up with a spark of excitement at the prospect of the added challenge. "Oh! Making this interesting, I see..." she mused, her voice reflecting her newfound determination. "Fine, let's do it!"

"You are so going down, Katelyn!" Aphmau exclaimed with unwavering confidence, her excitement practically palpable in the air. She turned to me with a grin, her gaze locking with mine. "Come on, Y/N, you'll be the judge!"

I followed my friends outside, stepping into the crisp winter air that filled my lungs with a refreshing chill. Tilting my head back, I let the snowflakes gently kiss my hair and face, each delicate touch like a fleeting caress from nature itself. The serene sight of snow falling enchanted me, its ethereal quality casting a magical spell over the surroundings. I couldn't help but admire the way it transformed everything it touched, turning the mundane into a scene straight out of a winter wonderland.

As Katelyn and Aphmau began shoveling the driveway, their movements graceful yet determined, I leaned against the sturdy wooden fence, content to soak in the wintry scene unfolding before me. The soft crunch of snow under their boots, the rhythmic scrape of shovels against the pavement, and the gentle laughter that echoed in the air formed a harmonious symphony of winter sounds.

"Hey, are you guys getting cold?" Katelyn's voice broke through my reverie, her breath forming little clouds in the chilly air as she glanced over at us.

"I'm a bit chilly, but overall I'm okay. How about you, Y/N?" Aphmau turned to me, her cheeks rosy from the cold.

"I'm actually feeling fine," I replied with a small smile, pulling my coat tighter around me. "I've always loved snow, so the cold doesn't bother me too much. And you, Katelyn?"

She smirked, a hint of playful defiance glinting in her eyes. "I'm good. I'm used to colder climates, you know, being a fire fist and all."

With that playful remark, they returned to their task, their chatter and laughter blending seamlessly with the wintry landscape. As I waited for them to finish, I continued to watch the snow cascade onto the street, lost in thoughts that drifted toward different scenarios involving Garroth, the character who often occupied my daydreams.

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