4 🔴 Life

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"So, you just let her walk away." Desmond tossed back the last remnants of his beer, his movements showing a mix of agitation and restlessness. He promptly rose and refilled his glass from the nearby barrel.

Osiris observed his brother, a rhythmic tapping of his fingers against the table betraying his inner turmoil. His own glass, filled to the brim, remained untouched; the queasiness that had lingered in his stomach after Seraphina's words had yet to abate.

"She told me to give up. That it was a waste of time," Osiris admitted with a hint of resignation.

"And you just gave up... just like that," Desmond snapped his fingers, his gesture mirroring the speed at which Osiris seemed to give in to Seraphina's demand.

Osiris's expression twisted into a scowl. "Did I say I was giving up?"

Desmond arched an inquisitive brow, his curiosity poised for further probing, but more pressing matters needed addressing.

"Here," Desmond tossed a beige envelope onto the desk, its arrival signaling the weight of a personal delivery. "A Hydra came to personally delivered it."

Osiris raised an inquisitive brow; Hydras, rarely ascended to these mountainous heights, for them to meant that this message held significance. Desmond's keen nose detected the distaste that radiated from his brother's reaction.

"You kept us hidden for years, brother, but now hiding isn't an option we can retreat to. If Aspen's information is accurate, then the Numinous Guards are aware," Osiris's eyes took on a steely glint, a deep-rooted animosity clawing up his spine. "They're aware of her existence. We need to strategize—"

Osiris shook his head, his gesture an emphatic rejection. "No. No, we aren't going to entertain that notion. No one is laying a finger on her or taking her anywhere."

"We lack the sheer numbers to fend them off. If they come here, to take Sera—" Desmond's lips formed a taut line, his words bearing the weight of their potential vulnerability. "-we can't afford to hope that they've made themselves known merely for sport. They've done it to send a message."

Osiris scoffed, downing his beer in a gulp as if to swallow his worries. The truth in Desmond's words was undeniable; unpreparedness was a luxury they could no longer indulge in.

Osiris took the envelope, breaking the golden wax seal and unfolding its contents. While the outer appearance was unremarkable, within lay a sheet of parchment adorned with golden flourishes that resembled liquid silk. Magic encapsulated the letter, giving life to a voice that resonated from the parchment.

A deep, rich voice emanated from the parchment, reciting its content. "Dearest Alpha Slayer and Hell Hound, I trust this letter finds you in the midst of your pursuits. It has come to my attention that your endeavors have ignited interest among those who value determination and ambition—attributes I, too, admire. Our paths seem poised to intersect.

I write to you with curiosity. There is an aura surrounding your actions, hinting at untapped potential that aligns with my aspirations. While I refrain from presumption, I wonder if our interests might intertwine.

The world is a complex tapestry, where power and influence are unequally distributed. Recognizing opportunities shapes success. In you and your mate, I see a spark that could ignite something remarkable, altering our narratives.

Individuals like us can reshape circumstances to our advantage. While I know you harbor your objectives, I propose a dialogue. A meeting between two influential minds can yield fascinating results. I extend an invitation to converse and explore uncharted territories at the crossroads of our interests.

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