Chp 33: "Training Gwen/ Error: file not found"

Start from the beginning

Sam: I got you, if you fail at swinging then I'll have you at all times

Sam said as Gwen felt relieved as she takes a deep breath, they both leap as Gwen shoots a web at a building along with Sam, they were holding hands the whole time as Gwen was getting the hang of swinging for a bit

Sam: there you go, thwip...and release, thwip...and release

Gwen: wow, this is awesome!, How do you and Peter not get nauseated all the time?

Sam: well only when we over eat and then swing, then we get nauseated

Sam says as Sam let go of her hand which catches germ off guard

Gwen: what are you doing?!

Sam: it's okay, if you fall I'll catch you, you got this

Gwen regains her composure as she breaths in and out and starts to swing smoothly

Sam: yeah, yeah there you go!

Gwen: woohoo!!

The two spider lovers were swinging in sync as they both were laughing and cheering eacother on, the two then land on a building as they chuckle

Gwen: okay, now I know how fun it is to swing around the city

Sam: yeah it's really fun once you master it, sometimes I still struggle with it

Gwen: okay now we gotta find those drives, all processed evidence has RFID tracking tags applied, if I can track the tags then we should be able to find the drives

Sam: you know, for a punk rock girl you sure do like to talk nerdy, and I love it

Gwen: easy Spidey

Gwen teased as she pulls out her phone and starts to type stuff in it, after a few seconds of tapping into it she finnaly gets something

Gwen: okay, I think I got a lock

Gwen says as she and Sam follow the signal and swing throughout the city

Gwen: I know how much Peter makes fun of Jameson but his constant trash talking really hits home with a few people, I mean *fisks* men steals the drives from the cops and somehow thats *your* guy's fault?

Sam: well, we can't change peoples opinions, but we can prove them wrong even if they don't wanna admit it

Sam says as they make it to a construction site where they see fisks men and a few looking at a box containing the drives in the trunk of a car

Sam: just in time, doesn't look like they've wrecked the drives yet

Gwen: then let's go ruin the kingpins welcome home party

Gwen says as the two drop from the building they were on and approaches them

Sam: hey guys!, You mind if I ask what big will was looking up and got in those drives?, It must be some Interesting stuff if it's this valuable

Thug: spider man!, And who the hell is that

Gwen: meet the new spider in training!

Gwen said as she ran up to a thug and kicked him in the face, one of the thugs grabbed her from behind as she used the back of her head and broke his nose, Sam shoots his webs at the thug and slams him onto the floor

Gwen then webs up a thug and Sam launches her into the air as she kicks him across the head from above knocking him out

Gwen: that's it?, I wanted a real challenge

Sam: I think it's best to start off slow for some criminals, from what I saw you clearly violated them

Sam then goes over to check to see if the files were safe and luckily they weren't damaged as he picks up the box

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