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Three months had passed since Ransom left for good.

And I had moved on. I think.

But I felt empty.

I stayed quiet as a random guy fucked me from behind. I knew from the posts that Sava had showed me that Ransom was hooking up with other people too.

Anyways, thinking back to the man fucking me..

I didn't know his name. I was high. And drunk. And I shouldn't have invited him here.

He finished inside of me. I rolled my eyes as he groaned and pulled out. He collapsed beside me. I got up and grabbed my robe, grabbing a plan b from my dresser.

"You don't fuck with aftercare?"

I grabbed some water and my vape. "No."

He sighed and got up, grabbing his clothes. I took a bit of my vape as I watched him change.

"So like..can I stay?" He asked.

"No. Now leave so I can wash the sheets."

"Why are you being such a bitch?"

I glanced at him before looking at my bedroom door. "See yourself out."

"Good lord." He said as he left. I sighed and took the sheets off, going to put them in the wash before getting a new set on.

I got some pajamas on before getting into bed. I grabbed my phone and looked at it.

Sava: how was James?

James. That was his name.

Me: small.

Sava: honey. You need to get out there.

Me: I know. But what asshole finishes without a condom and doesn't ask if I'm on birth control?

Sava: you got plan bs?

Me: Mhm. Took one. But like what if he has an STD?

Sava: true.

Me: I'm gonna head to bed. I'm tired.

Sava: Aaron asked about you today. Would you be interested in going out again?

Me: I would be actually. He's nice.

Sava: I'll let him know. He will text you.

Me: okay. Thank you :)

I took another hit of my vape. I felt my phone buzz.

Aaron: hey. Hope you're doing okay. Savannah told me you were interested in another date. As long as you're all good, I'm down. I really do hope you're doing okay.

Me: hey. I'm doing okay and I'd love a second chance on this date you talk about. Sorry about last time

Aaron: I get it. You weren't ready.

Me: I am now :)

Aaron: good. I'll be ready for it.

Me: good

I sighed and set my phone down. I grabbed my remote from the nightstand and turned on a movie.

I heard my door open. I quickly got out of bed and hid by my bedroom door. I glanced into the other room, seeing savannah.

"Why don't you text me instead of scaring me?"

"I don't know. I wanted takeout and I didn't wanna eat it alone."

I smiled as she got into bed with me. I grabbed a box and some chopsticks.

"So Aaron?"

"It's a yes."

"Did I show you what Ransom posted?"

"Do I wanna know?"

She showed me a picture of him with a girl in the mirror. She was pretty, but full of fillers.

hrdrysdale: happy I found you

I rolled my eyes. "He's full of shit. They're not even dating." I said.

Was I jealous? A little. I mean if I had made one different decision we would've maybe still been together.

She nodded. "Well that's his older post from a couple weeks ago. Now here's his story."

Fuck the past, and fuck the present with it.

I sighed. "So they broke up?"

"If they were even dating." She said. She rolled her eyes and set her phone down. "Whatever though."

"Is it bad that I worry about him?"

"No. Not necessarily bad. I mean you obviously took it better than him."

"Did I though? I mean I took up vaping. I'm high half the time. This sucks. I mean if I had told him about the-"

"No. You don't owe him shit. He didn't listen then so he doesn't deserve to hear it now."

I nodded. "Well I feel like one day I'm gonna tell him. I think that he deserves to know at some point."

"When you two are civil, sure."

"Yeah. One day."

"But we're gonna talk about Aaron."

I smiled and took a bite. "He's cute."


I nodded. "I just hope it goes okay."

"It will."