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Eight months ago

"Good morning Miss Emerson." Ransom said in a sexy voice as I walked into his kitchen. I was in his pajama pants and sweatshirt, and my hair was up in the messiest bun.

I gave him a dark stare. He smiled and handed me a cup of coffee.

"Thanks." I said. I took a small sip of it.

I hated his house, but I loved when he had everything laid out exactly how I liked here. He knew when I would wake up, and he had his own routine. He was a very clean person. I just didn't like his house.

He pulled me into a gentle hug. I smiled and looked up at him.

"Morning." I whispered.

"Morning sweetheart. You want breakfast?"

"Uhh yeah."

"Yeah I thought you might've worked up an appetite after last night."

"Shut the fuck up." I said as I moved to sip on my coffee. I sat at the island.

"So I think we should go shopping."

"Yeah? I try to save my money Drysdale."

"I'll buy you stuff."

"Awe. What's this occasion?"

"I love you."

"I hope you're not proposing."

"Not yet. But would it really be that bad if we did get married?"

"That's stressful."

"Then we go do a destination wedding and don't worry about who our fake friends are."

"That sounds nice. But then marriage means a house and kids and all that."

"You want kids?" He asked as he made me pancakes.

"I mean eventually. Not now for sure."

"Really? I thought you hated kids."

"I hate disobedient kids. I would know how to have obedient children and I would enjoy them."

"So you just don't like screaming children?"

"Exactly. Other than that they're really nice with the right person."

"Like me?" He asked, smiling.


"Aweee. Emerson Autumn." He said sweetly as he came over and kissed me. I giggled.

After a few minutes he handed me a plate.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"You're welcome." He said.


"Ransom..I have.. to leave." I said as he kissed me.

"Can I come with?" He asked on my lips.



I sighed. "Yeah. Go pack a bag quickly." I said.

"I have everything at your house."

"Fine. Come on."

"Yes. Let's go sweetheart." He said as he shut and locked his door.

We walked out to my car. I put my bag in the back before getting into the drivers seat. Ransom got in the passenger seat and plugged his phone in to play music.

I loved him for many reasons. But I loved seeing the tiny things. The way that we had this quiet communication. He knew when to do things and when not to do things.