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She nodded, but felt a scared whimper tumble out of her lips but he just squeezed her close to him before they started at a run, "You're going to be fine, just stay calm and listen to me."

Once they got in Owen's truck, she felt the fear truly course through her veins, especially once she started coughing, "Am I gonna die?! I feel like i'm going to die," She cried, and Owen quickly shushed her, turning the heating dial up to max and wrapping his arms around her,

"You're not going to die, you have mild hypothermia, I only asked you to run so you'd get warmer quicker, alright?" He placed his hand on her cheek, pushing away the wet hair which was sticking to her, "You don't need to worry, you're going to be fine."


"Promise," He grinned, pulling back from her and searching in the back of the truck for something, "You should take off your coat and jumper, they're soaked through so it's making you worse, i'm hoping your shirt isn't too bad."

"What if it is?" She panicked, "What if my tops wet too?"

"Then it is what it is, you're going to be fine, I'm supposed to be taking you to the hospital anyway so i'll find some spare scrubs, get you a bed in the clinic with lots of blankets and hot chocolate- I'll even make sure there's marshmallows in it, yeah?"

Madeline figured whatever he was looking for wasn't there, as he let out an annoyed sigh and pulled his seatbelt on instead, "...Can It have whipped cream too?"

He looked over to her with a fake irritated scowl, "You're really testing me here, Scout."

She let out a laugh, still freezing and shivering but no longer feeling the cloud of death looming over her, "Sorry, Sarge."

"Um," He raised his eyebrows mockingly, "It's Major, actually."

"Oh okay," She snickered, "Whatever, Major- You know if I told the army that you gave me Hypothermia would they kick you out?"

He pointed a finger in her face, "You keep your mouth shut."


Madeline was bored, well and truly bored. She'd gotten over the excitement of wearing the navy blue attending scrubs and her hot chocolate had been drank. Not to mention Owen had to go and actually do his job so he left for an emergency.

There was only a handful of people in the clinic, barely any patients and a few doctors who were just lounging about, lazily checking their pagers. When one of them noticed Madeline and took her chart, flicking through it to try and see if he could find something remotely surgical, only to find nothing at all,

"Your chart is empty." He said and looked curiously at her, "What's your name?"

"Madeline." She responded and he stared at her for a while, before asking the next question as if it was the most obvious thing in the world,

"Madeline what?"


His eyes seemed to light up and he started to laugh, "Dude, no way, does he know you're here?" She shook her head and he pulled out his pager, beaming at it, "This is crazy, how does this happen twice in a day."

A few minutes later, the doctor was joined by two more, who Madeline recognised and they simultaneously deflated,

"Seriously, Alex?! You said Sloan had a long lost kid down here." Cristina glared at the man, who Madeline now recognised from Lexie's irritated rants about him.

little sloan - greys anatomy حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن