August 3, 2022

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“Raphael. So I’ve been working on something for a while now, like since before you left kind of while.” Claire speaks, voice excited and nervous. “I didn’t want to say anything because I wasn’t even sure if it was possible.”

I look over at my phone from where I stood cooking dinner for myself, Emily and Eddie (who would be coming over a little later). My interest peaked a bit, “Oh? And what mystery have you been working on since before I left?”

Claire lets out a hysterical giggle, “This.”

Suddenly a sound is heard and the room is bathed in red, both Emily and I whip our heads in the direction of the sound as Kamala starts up crying. My brows hiked up in shock and surprise as a portal, not un-similar to a groundbridge from Transformers Prime except red and pink instead of blue and green.

And then Claire walks out of it, fiddling with something on her wrist and it snaps close behind her.

“No fucking way! Dude, that’s fucking amazing! It opens so many new avenues for me as The Spider!” I pause, “I can use it as The Spider, right?”

Claire laughs and walks over to me, giving me a big hug. I sigh as I wrap my arms around the now shorter girl, “Yes, you can use it as The Spider. I’ll be showing off a much lesser version in December, at the INPEX in Pennsylvania. That one will only be able to travel in your country of origin, but the one I’ll be giving you access to is one that can go worldwide.”

Emily stands from her spot by Kamalas play area and comes over, Claire facing her with a smile as she does so, “And you must be Emily. It’s such a pleasure to put a face to the name and voice.”

Emily smiles, “I can say the same.”

Eddie gets here about thirty minutes later and I set out the food I made for us. We all had to eat a little less than anticipated because of Claire's sudden appearance, but no one was too annoyed by it, especially since I had gone ahead and ordered us all pizza to make up for it.

By the end of the night, I had a shiny new watch on my wrist and an anticipation to use it. But there were rules I had put down on myself to keep from burning myself out.

LA and California were still going to be my main hangouts. I would prioritize this state over everything else simply because Emily and Kamala lived here. I would only head to another state or country if they were having trouble dealing with anything enhanced or extraterrestrial.

“I didn’t expect you to have to use it so quickly, but I think you might want to head over to Thimphu, Bhutan. There appears to be a new up and coming hit-man on the loose there and just from the few hits I’ve connected to her, she is very fucking dangerous and needs to be put away before she kills again.”

I grimace, “Yeesh, okay.” I fling myself up onto the top of a nearby building and bring up the watch, “Coords?” Which is not something I thought I’d ever say outside of a video game. Claire rattles off the numbers and I input them and the portal whirls to life.

I walk through it, feeling sort of queasy as I appear on the other side.

“This might just be the American in me, but where exactly is Bhutan, anyway?”

“Sort of between China and India and shares a border with Tibet, which is above it.”

“So the likelihood of anyone here being able to speak english is next to nill.”

“That’s right.”

“Well, shit.” This might be a tinge more difficult than I was hoping, but it's fine. Lesson learned, I’ll start learning more languages after this is over. “Alright, do you happen to know who her next target is?”

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