Rebecca comes to me with a big smile and immediately hugs me. "Hiii, Y/n, I like your name. You look so nice, girl!"

"I- uhm, thanks, you too! How are you feeling? Isn't it overwhelming you a bit?"

"Ow, yeah, it's a lot. But everyone seems so nice and you're here! I mean, I'm happy there's another girl."

"I'm happy you're here too! Don't get me wrong, the guys are awesome and a lot of fun. But I could use some girl talk sometimes."

"How long have you been here?"

"A couple of months. You're the fifth Greenie after me, and they come every mo-"

"Every month," she cuts me off. "Alby told me. He also told me the rules. Like, no dating? What's up with that?"

"Well, some boys wanted to get together with me. And they made games out of it and that kind of stuff. It was getting out of hands, so they made the rule. And they think dating would just make some stuff complicated in the Glade."

"Oh. I don't really like the rule. I mean, look around. There are so many cute boys here." Rebecca looks over my shoulder. "Like that blonde one over there. What's his name again?"

"That's Newt."

"Newt. Do you like him?

"Uhm, no. As a friend, yes. But you know the rule, no dating."

"That's sad. Otherwise, I could probably get every boy here."

Uhm, she is really confident. I'm not sure what to think about this.
"If you think so," I say with a fake smile.

"Girl, look at me. I'm basically Barbie."

"Wha- what's Barbie?" What is she talking about? Does she remember something from outside?

"I don't really remember, of course. Like the name and that she looks like me, I think. Doesn't matter. So tell me, who is like your best friend around here?"

"Uhm, that's Minho and Newt. You haven't seen Minho yet. He's a runner. So right now, he's runner in the maze."


••Little time skip••

Dinner with Rebecca was a bit annoying to me. She sat at our table and laughed at every single thing one of the boys said. She's probably trying to fit in, but it's a bit too much for me.

The guys are now preparing the bonfire.

~~End of Y/n's pov~~

With the light of the flames and the cheering of the Gladers, the bonfire starts.

It's a bit the same as always. Some boys are fighting in a circle. Y/n is with Newt, Minho, Gally, Winston, and all her other close friends. Ow, and Rebecca.
And she does not stop talking.

"This is so awesome. How you guys made this place like a home. I really feel at home with you guys.
I bet, if there's another Glade with a maze, the people would suck and it won't feel like a home.
I'm so lucky to have you guys. And now you guys are lucky to have me. I will be so helpful.
And now Y/n has a friend that's a girl. She's so happy to have me. Right, bestie?"

"Yeah, sure."

"And you guys are all so strong. Like we are trapped here, and there's monsters and stuff. And some of you have been here for a year already. I don't want to be here that long."

"Don't say it like," Minho says. "You just have to, you know, life for the hope of it all. We'll make it out of here."

Minho didn't just say that for Rebecca. But also to remind himself and Y/n to stay positive. But mosty for Newt. That's why Minho is looking at him as he says: "I promise."

After Y/n's first bonfire, where she drank too much ans there was the accident with Ben, she never drank Gallys drink again. But Rebecca was excited to try it, knowing she could get drunk. She drank as much as she needed to get all the attention to herself.

And now that she got the attention, she uses it. "I also want to fight! Who dears to fight to me?"

Some boys immediately say they want to fight with her.

"If that was me, you would stop me, wouldn't you?" Y/n asks Newt who's been standing next to her the whole night.

"Of course I would, I protect my best friends."

"So you're not going to protect her? Take her to bed like you did with me?"

"No, I don't want you to get hurt. But this seems like good entertainment."

"You're right. Let's go and watch."

Rebecca is standing in the fighting circle, and, well, she's doing nothing. The only thing she's doing is laughing and giggling the whole time. She acts like she's trying to fight but is really bad at it. Y/n sees how she's clearly not even trying. But the boys seem to like it.

"Oh my God, I'm so bad it this, I can't believe it," Rebecca giggles.
"Minho, can you please help me?"

"Is she serious right now?" Y/n whispers to Newt.


Minho is surprised by the question, but he's kinda flattered she asked him.
"Yeah, sure. Let's do it!"

Minho walks into the ring. The fight doesn't last long after that. Minho is one of the strongest of all the Gladers.

Y/n wants to congratulate her best friend with the win, but Rebecca is keeping her from doing that.
The Greenie flys around Minho's neck. "Oh my God, thank you so much. You're so awesome." And she places a little kiss on his cheek.

Y/n feels bad from looking at what's happening. It doesn't feel right.
Rebecca sees the way Y/n is looking at her.
"So, bestie. Aren't you going to fight?"

"Oh, no. I'm not going to fight, especially not if it's for fun. I don't even want to."

"You never did, here in the Glade?"

"No, like I said, I don't want to."

Rebecca turns around, rolling her eyes, facing the group of boys again.
"That's kinda lame."

Newt turns Y/n around so she will be facing him. And he places his hands on her shoulders. "Please, don't care about what's she's saying. She's probably just saying things like that because she's drunk."

Y/n gives him a little smile.
"You may be right, I hope so. Isn't it time for you to get some rest?"

Y/n helps Newt to walk back to the homestead so he can get to bed. It's best for his leg to get as much rest as possible. She tells him goodnight and leaves again.

On her way back, she sees Gally coming in her direction.
"Hi Gal, where are you going?"


"Already? What's wrong?"

"What do you think of the Greenie?"

"Uhm, I don't know. Why do you ask? Did something happen?"

"No, Y/n. She's just driving me crazy. Already. She's not even here for a day. She's just giggling all the time and laughing while nothing is funny. And the way she's acting with the others. She better stays away from me."

"I think she's secretly a little bitch.
But I don't know. Didn't really have the chance to actually get to know her. And now she's drunk so. We'll see, I think."







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