" I'll do it" he volunteered

" man hell nah, I'm your bro if any body get to off that nigga it should be me" bully spoke up

" lemme hit his ass man, on my mama" Mike stood up slamming his palms on the table

" nigga sit down! Ain't none of us doing it, I need it clean...quick and easy. I don't want this shit to fall back on none of us." I sighed cuz I really did want to get my get back but kay and my kids stayed in the back of my mind.

" how about we all do it, sorta like a one last kill" Ryan suggested

" I'm listening" I sighed

" we snatch his ass up...

after Ryan got done explaining we all agreed that that was the perfect plan. It could never be traced back to us and we could all walk away with clean hands. After toasting to the last kill we all went home and started to put the plan in motion.

Ryan was sending Jim's girlfriend Chrissy emails everyday, every hour on the hour. It was a trip to Jamaica with coupons included all she had to do was click the link. It took close to two months before she took the bait clicking the link.

It's just so happens that she ended up being the hundredth person to click the link winning her a free all expenses paid trip to Jamaica all she had to do was bring a partner and they had to sign up for a time share. She sent the link to him and he signed up to do the time share with her.

After that, it was off to Jamaica for all of us we flew out under fake names. We let them enjoy the first two nights the third day was the time share meeting at which Mike paid someone in the kitchen staff to drug Chrissy's breakfast she instantly started getting sick. She was throwing up and even developed a fever so Jim reached out to the travel agency a.k.a Ryan via email saying that Chrissy was sick and that they wouldn't be able to attend the time share event. Ryan replied back saying that Jim could just come alone as long as Chrissy signed the attachment giving him full approval to sign in place of her in case he like the idea and wanted to buy into the time share.

She did and Jim showed up alone to the destination meeting an islander we paid to bring him to us via a row boat. At first he was a bit skeptical but nonetheless he boarded the two person boat after our paid accomplice reminded him how much he'd have to pay out of pocket if he didn't attend the time share.

Jim's interest was peeked one Sam told him details about the time share being offered today. Which was shares in the island, they could visit up-to five times per year and stay free if they bought in all they'd have to pay for was air to and from. After hearing that,  Jim was on the boat it was go time.

Arriving Jim was on alert immediately seeing me, Ryan's, bully and Mike.

Walking over I gave Sam an extra five thousand and he rowed off back towards the main island. Ryan wrestled him to the ground and bully and Mike tied his hand and legs together then carried him over to a coconut tree duck taping his mouth shut we all took turns shooting arrows into his body's this went on for a good half hour forty five minutes until he had given up and took his last breath.

Using an ax , and a few hand saws since the island we were on didn't have power. We chopped him up bagging the remains. Cleaning up the mess we awaited Sam and the yacht.

loading the remains Sam took us to the deepest part of the Caribbean Sea and we dumped them scattering them all over for about four hours. Arriving back at the island we showered and pack up to leave our flights we scheduled to take off in an hour.

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