016. watercolor eyes

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— 016

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— 016. watercolor eyes —

DYLAN WAS MY FIRST love. my first kiss. my first experience in anything romantic. sometimes when i think about it, i think that i was blindsided by her beauty more than anything. almost to the point where i didn't begin to see the real her until i started to loose her.

she had a way to reassure anyone. my life could've been falling apart and all i had to do was look into her beautiful eyes. one hazel, like coffee you desired after a long night to hold you together. the other green with a hint of blue. the color of the sky mixed with the green landscape.

she also had one of the purest souls i knew, she was a people pleaser. anything that would make the other person happy, no matter how it would effect her, she'd do. that's why i was distraught.

i let her go. i broke her heart, but now i want her back. i want my dylan back. i want the smile, the true genuine one she brought to me back. i only have two big regrets in my life and one of them is leaving dylan like that.

she'd remember the smallest things about anyone. she cared deeply. and now i'm understanding how i hurt her. we've been hanging out for a few days and i realized i never lost feelings. i just needed to fill the void.

the empty feeling i had without her, so i filled it with her sister. but i was gonna make it up to her. i woke up a bit early and made my way to casey's. i bought her a milkshake but then realized it would melt fast so i drove home and tucked it into my freezer.

i got her twix and peanut butter cups since she was sucker for those. i wanted her to know that she wasn't the only one who payed attention and remembered the smallest things about people.

i remembered how she'd fidget with her nails at the slightest bit of unwanted confrontation. or how her face would burn red as soon as you complimented her. i remembered how during the days we'd get the cold summer breeze the tip of her nose would turn red and her eyes a bit puffy.

i remembered she played soccer, striker or midfielder. she was a grade a student. she had big dreams like an ivy league. she's perfect. too perfect for me. that's one of the reasons i felt like i had to do what i did.

i wanted her to realize there were more people worthy of her than me. i felt stupid that night. i went home a blushing mess as i scrambled to my room. then i thought about it and realized i'd never measure up to someone she deserved.

so i cut her out of my life. you might not believe it but it hurt me too. so much. i had it all planned out though. once i finished buying all the things i rushed home and grabbed her milkshake before driving over to the beach house.

i sat in my car nervously before dialing belly's number. "hi?" she asks through the phone. "uh hey. i know this is weird but um, could you ask dylan to come outside?" i ask as i hear belly move around.

"of course." she says as she walks upstairs. "hey lannie, go outside." she says as i hold my laughter from dylan's response. "belly i need zen ok? this makeup isn't gonna fix its self." she says as belly groans.

"someone's out there for you." she says as dylan sets down her makeup. "your lucky i only have lipgloss left." she mumbles as i can hear her walking down the steps. as the front door opens my stomach does a few flips.

i hope what i wanted to say would come out. "hey cam." she says suspiciously. "hi dylan. could you uh, come in the car?" i ask awkwardly as she smiles. "sure." she says as she opens the passenger side.

a soon as i closed the door i became stiff. i was always awkward in her presence but the smell of sweet strawberries and vanilla radiating off of her, made my face burn red even faster. "you ok?" she asks as i nod.

"i wanna give you this. and explain." i say as i hand her the candy and milkshake. "shut up, twix and peanut butter cups?" she asks excitedly as i nod. "what did you wanna say though?" she asks as she sets down her candy.

"i uh, i'm sorry." i say as she tilts her head confused. "sorry.. for what?" she asks with a slight laugh. "everything dylan. i was stupid to let you go. to not talk to you." i explain as i pull out a letter.

"i wrote this a while ago." i say as she opens it nervously.

dear dylan,

i'm sorry. i really do like you. but you deserve more than me. i would put everything i want to say to you in here but if i did i'd need five pages or more. just know your watercolor eyes are the only things on my mind. it will always be you.


"cam.." she says softly. "before you say anything, i have a question." i say as she looks at me. "can i be your date?" i ask. "my date for what?" she asks with a chuckle. "the deb ball." i say as she comes to realization.

"you wanna dance with me?" she asks teasingly as i hide my face. "i mean i do, but if you don't know your left from your right it's gonna be a problem. "well then take me tonight and find out." dylan says sweetly as she opens the door and grabs her candy and milkshake.

just before she leaves she peeps in the car as she places an innocent kiss on my cheek. "i guess it's a date sea boy." she says as she closes the door.

god, she's gonna be the death of me.

idk how to do male pov... lmkk

we're also gonna ignore what happened in last nights ep between skye and cam and js focus on my babies taylor and steven and also the fact that jeremiah tried to turn belly against conrad.... #teamconradforlife


i fantasize abt it all the time if u were mine i'd give this🙈 to u 9 to 5, 5 to 9 💃🏾💃🏾

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