But suddenly my steps halted when his words fell in my ears.
"Heard that you are getting married."

I was surprised , because no one knew about mine and Yudhishthir's marraige except few close people. And he was not close. Just a university professor of mine.

I controlled my urge to ask him that how did he knew about my marriage and nodded.


"Thank you sir." And I left the class room.

My mind was occupied with the thoughts of Sisodia sir as I walked and my eyes were staring at my engagement ring. How was he aware of our engagement? I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't noticed a boy coming from opposite direction and I bumped with him. My things fell down.


"I am sorry." I bent down to pick my things. Why is God testing me? I know I am not his favourite but atleast he could show little mercy on me. Every problem lands on me.

"No need to sorry, I was also not watching." The boy said and bent down to help me. I just nodded and kept picking my scattered things.

"Hey, I am Nishant." He forwarded his hand as we stood up. I looked at him for first time. He had beautiful honey brown eyes. Same as Yudhishthir's.

"Ruhi." I smiled and shook his hand.

He smiled and asked me,"By the way I am a new professor in this university, can you guide me towards the canteen?"

Professor, no way. He looked so young , I thought he was a student. I nodded and told him to follow me.

"Which course are you studying and which year?" He tried to start a conversation as I was completely silent.

"BBA , and its my second year." I told him and he nodded.

"I will be teaching you financial accounting this year. Your last professor retired, I suppose." He spoke. I looked at him and trying to form words to speak and at the end I ended up just nodding.
He shook his arms and just hummed. I behaved rude, but I am not. I was not able to react or speak something.

"Are you ok or something has happened? You don't look fine" He asked me when we reached near canteen. He looked concerned. I bit my lips to not allow my words fall from my mouth , as I didn't wanted to tell him anything.

"I am sorry sir, I behaved little rude but I didn't meant. Yes, I am not fine but I can't tell you. Its my personal issue. And thanks for asking." I tried to be as polite as I could. He nodded as his took his hands out if his pocket.

"Sure, thanks for guiding me here. And will meet you tomorrow in class." He said while rubbing his hands. I smiled and bid him farewell.

He was nice. He was not more than thirty . He looked younger than Yudhishthir. And a professor at such a young age.

"Let's go." The door burst open and I flinched at the voice. Cream in my hands fell down and I glared at Ahaan. Who gave me a silly smile. I took a deep breath and picked the bottle up. Ahaan came and sat down on bed and mumbled something but I ignored him. He suddenly became quiet. I placed the cream on the vanity and sat next to him.
His eyes looked at mine and I knew what was coming next.

"Where you crying?" He asked. My eyes widened and I shook my head in denial. I was crying. Because I cried every day ,I was not happy. My eyes might be red or swollen. I turned my head away from as tears threatened to come out soon from my eyes. I wanted to cry in someone's arms. I wanted to share.

He next down on floor and cupped my face in his hands. Sometimes I feel that he is the only one who cares for me. I love him a lot and I know he will be always there for me whenever I need him.

Heartless LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant