"Okay, but you have to promise not to laugh."

"I promise."He says, and I extend my left hand to him and stretch out my pinky finger.

"What's that?"He asks, confused.

"Like a pinky promise."

"Aahh... That childish thing."

"How dare you? Pinky promises are sacred." I say, chuckling.

"If you say so little, miss pinky promises." He says, fully laughing.

"Are you mocking me ?" I ask sadly.

"Of course not. I have never tried nor done a pinky promise, and I'm just amused by it." He says, and I am shocked; I thought everyone did pinky promises and stuff.

"Weelll... Would you want to try it with me?" I ask shyly.

"I don't mind." He says as he extends his right hand and stretches his pinky finger out.

"Now what?" He asks, and I interlock his pinky with my pinky, and for some reason, it makes me feel some type of way; I can't explain it, but I know for sure that it's a good feeling that makes me feel all giddy on the inside.

"I would love nothing more than to take a walk with you, kind sir," I say in a fake British accent, and Luke bursts out laughing.

"Heyyy... You promised.."I say as I gently push him to the side.

"I couldn't help myself; that was hilarious."

"I get it; it happens," I say, letting a small laugh cause, damn, my accent sucked.

Still, hand in hand, we make our way through the not-so-busy street, and I start feeling a little bit anxious because we will meet with the squad, and I genuinely don't know what will happen.

After what feels like forever, we finally arrive at Infinity Shakes. I can't wait to get the chocolate milkshake, but my excitement is dimmed when I remember what happened yesterday, and what happened this morning has been on my mind too.

I'm going to get the chocolate milkshake to go just in case anything happens, but I really hope it doesn't; I want to clear the air and just go without drama for a couple of days cause, damn, I went from not talking to people for months to full-on drama in two days, like how does that even happen?

"You okay?" Luke asks as we near the restaurant.

"Yeah," I say when I really mean no. I'm so nervous. Don't judge me; it is my anxiety.

"Then why is your palm so sweaty?" He says, laughing.

"Damn, noticed that, huh?" I say nervously.

"Kinda hard not to, for real, though. You okay?"He asks, concerned.

Aaaw. It is so sweet that he cares. Warms my heart.

"Yeah. I'm just nervous. I don't know how things are going to play out."

"I get that. Don't stress. Just let it flow and try to be positive about it."He says calmly, and it soothes me a bit.

"Okay, Mr. All Positive," I say, having found a new side to him.

He lets out a hearty laugh, and I can't help thinking about how awesome the day has been so far it has been. Full of laughs with a really cute guy, or should I just call him my crush at this point?

As we enter the restaurant, I see Gabe, Luke, and Hanna seated at the far-end corner at the back, and the scent of burgers in the air is so damn good it feels like home.

The foodie in me is so happy.

We make our way to their table, and damn, the energy is so off, it's tense and all weird and stuff, and it honestly sucks. I slide in next to Hanna while Luke slides next to Connor. Saying it was uncomfortable would be an understatement; one could cut the tension with a knife.

I want to break the ice, but why should I? And so I remain silent.

"Hey, Guys."Hanna says and is met with several "Hi's" and "Hellos" back.

"Can we talk, Aurora?"Connor asks slowly, and I feel everyone's eyes shift toward me.

I look at Luke and remember what he said: "Go with the flow," and so I do.

"Okay," I say and wait for him to get up; once he is fully out of the booth, I get up, and he leads me to another booth that is in the middle of the restaurant next to the window and the sun rays and lights are pouring into the room so beautifully, it's breathtaking.

Sorry, I am getting side-tracked...... I just love the little things, you know?

A waitress comes over to our table and asks for our order, and of course, I say :

"Chocolate Milkshake to go, please."


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