The next day (Part II)...

Start from the beginning

Time passed by, and Baran would signal things for Dilan to see. Watching her amazement, seeing everything through her eyes, and hearing her comments and opinions gave him joy. Eventually, Baran said "Are you hungry?" and kissed her on her cheek. "A bit", while getting up he replied "I'll go to set the table then", "Wait, let me help you", so they went together. Dilan was looking at the inside of the boat for the first time, there was a dining area to the left, a small bar/kitchen area on the right, and in between, she could see stairs, she went straight to them as her curiosity got the best of her, once she descended she found a room big enough for a double bed and a small bathroom to the side. Baran called for her "Dilan, the table is set" She ran to him with embarrassment, she was supposed to help him prepare everything and here she was snooping around.

"Sit, let's eat," said Baran and sat down, signaling Dilan to do the same. "Kader prepared everything for us" were Baran's words in reply to Dilan's face while looking at the table. They ate while stealing glances at each other. Sometimes touching, sometimes caressing, and sometimes feeding one another. After they were done, Dilan got up to clean everything. Baran came from behind and while hugging her said: "Don't worry, someone will come and clean afterward... come".

They went outside, to the back of the boat, and sat down. Dilan with her back to Baran, her head resting on his shoulder, began to play with his hands. At some point Baran started talking "You know, from the moment we met, you became my conscience. In every situation that we faced, with your words, persistence, and let's not forget, your stubbornness..." Baran paused with a half smile on his face, waiting for Dilan's come back to his statement, but she kept quiet. So he became serious again and continued " made me choose the right path, the path of healing, the path of forgiving, and the path of love. I could never thank you enough for all of it. I was living in a grey area, I was not unhappy, but I was not happy either. My days went by between work and the mansion, nothing more. That made me resist my feelings for you, you were changing everything in my life, and changes are hard to accept by anyone, even when they are good".

To that confession, "Baran..." was the only word that escaped Dilan's lips, more like a whisper. He resumed talking "The first time I saw you, I was curious and attracted by you, the way you confronted me to protect Firtina, no one to that point had talked to me that way. I was mad, but also in awe at your braveness... when they brought you to the farm, and I realized who you were, it was a shock, I was angry at the situation, and I was angry at myself for having these feelings despite you being the daughter of who you were. I was also aware of the storm I would have to face in my house once I brought you there, but it was the only choice, the only way to prevent blood from spilling, you do know that, right?"

Dilan turned to look into his eyes, he was bothered by this, his voice was soft yet he spoke hurriedly like it was difficult for him to say what he was saying and him trying to lighten the mood with that little joke he made about her, didn't help him at all. Touching his face with both hands, Dilan replied "I know, I know it was the correct path. As you said, changes are difficult to accept, I resisted you as well, at the beginning I wasn't aware of why everything was happening, and it seemed crazy to me. Later, when my father confessed what he had done to your family... I was ashamed, I didn't know what to do and I had no one to talk to, and I wanted to somehow repair some of the damage, but it was an impossible task that led us to many confrontations and heartaches" Baran grabbed Dilan's hands and lowered them, he then rested his forehead to hers "True, there were many misunderstanding, but we overcame every one of them and I'm glad we did. You are the most beautiful gift that life gave me, a gift that brought happiness not only to me, but everyone else in the mansion, I love you Dilan" "I love you, Baran".

They stayed embracing each other for the remainder of the evening in silence pondering on their conversation. Close to the sunset, the boat made its way back to the marina. It was a lovely and peaceful day for the two of them. But it was time to go to the mansion as the night was upon them. They got in the truck and began their journey back. Dilan was telling Baran how she would love to spend a day like that with both Zumrut and Cihan. Baran reminded her that their siblings were like vinegar and water at the moment. Best to make them approach slowly, he didn't want anyone falling overboard. To that Dilan laughed, she could picture it in her head, and he was right.

They finally arrived at the mansion and entered while holding hands, it was a little late, so dinner time had passed. However, neither Dilan nor Baran were hungry, Kader packed a lot of good food, and they had more than they should have. Baran headed to his study after taking a quick shower, during the ride home Kerem called him, so he needed to answer some important emails. Dilan stayed in the room, took a quick shower herself, and changed clothing in preparation for sleeping. She wore a green nightie and a robe of the same color on top. Seeing that Baran was not returning yet, Dilan headed out to look for him. She could see the light coming from his study, he was still working, so she decided to go to the kitchen to make some tea for them to drink together.

She was making herself busy when Baran's arms wrapped around Dilan's waist and his chin rested on her shoulder. "I was making tea for us, did you finish your work?" "Yes," he replied, in a tone so soft that she could barely hear him. Dilan turned slowly to look at him, he was close to her face, and there was something about the way he was looking at her, something that immediately send electricity through her body, desire. Then he lowered his head and she thought he would kiss her, but he made no attempt to do it. He just stayed there so close she felt like their lips would touch but no. It was torture, delicious torture as she desperately wanted to kiss him.

Baran was dying to kiss Dilan, but he wanted her to make the first move this time. He saw it as a small step to overcome her shyness. So he stayed close to her, lingering over her lips but moved no further. He could see her being confused at the situation, their noses brushing a bit, both holding their breath in anticipation, but Dilan made no move. When he was about to give up, he felt Dilan tighten her grip on his arms and then she stood on her tiptoes to close the distance between them.

Their lips clashed with one another. The kiss became heated immediately, their tongues caressing and stimulating, they had a whole day of build-up, and they both needed release. Baran was holding her waist with one hand, while the other one was touching her breast. A moan escaped Dilan's lips. Her hands were on his neck and his hair, her fingernails lightly scratching his skin. It was exhilarating. Suddenly, they both stopped as they heard steps coming down the stairs. Their breathing agitated, Dilan's cheeks were fully blushed and Baran's hair a little wild, but they both tried to compose themselves fast. They could hear the steps close, but sooner they disappeared as they heard the door leading to the pool open. Baran grabbed Dilan's hand and took the opportunity to head out to their room unseen to finish what they started.   

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