Just when he was about to ask her is she really want this marriage.....his phone rigged.. He excused himself and went out to speak...

It's almost half an hour he didn't came back... He was still in call but it didn't seemed like she was bothered about that she was now eating plum cake.... She just love to eat just like her mother.....

Jayadev realized that call was not going to stop it was regarding the new project and he was cross checking the details with his PA and the TL.... So he came in to inform that he have to leave and say sorry for making her wait....

But he was stunned like he was hypnotized by jer kholed eyes....her one hand was supporting her chin while by her right hand she was holding that fork spoon losely.. She was playing with it unknowingly.... Her eyes were not concentrated on the plate instead it was somewhere else.... He followed her gaze and found a squirrel which was trying to take that half piece cake from that place.... It was near the tree and when ever the squirrel comes near that cake piece someone pass by making that squirrel again climbs the tree... It was happening again and again... He find that funny... But she was looking at that squirrel with that much concentration like she was at that squirrel's place.....

His eyes slowly observed her.... First that intoxicating eyes which adored with khol adding more intensity to her already beautiful eyes...... There was some khol smudged   below her lower eyelids... He doesn't know she didn't it intentionally or happened unknowingly...... But he know one this he is goner there itself... That call was long forgotten....

Without his permission his legs Voluntarily went near her and sat before her... Now she was looking at that squirrel but this man is looking at the siren who is in front of him.....he was in awe in seeing how expressive her eyes..... Without looking at what that squirrel he can say what's is happening there by her eye movement and expression....

His PA was talking but who is listening it..... She finally smiled and her eyes shined that means that Squirrel finally took that piece and here she took his breath away without even trying.....

He saw that place for conformation... Yes that squirrel was now eating that peice of cake....

He to smiled himself..... At least that squirrel was tried hard again and again to get that cake peice but here this girl already took his heart away just by existing how.... While he was wondering.... He heard..

Uyir :Excuse me....... Hello..

Its her voice he came out of his daze and looked at her...

Jayadev : Yes... What happened...

Uyir : Your phone....

Jayadev: oh...

That's when he saw he was still in call without thinking he switched off his phone.....

Jayadev: Thank you

Uyir : hmmm

Jayadev: You are interesting...

Uyir : me...

Jayadev: yes..

Uyir : You are the only man who find me interesting..

Jayadev : Trust me... I am not lying....

Uyir : hmhmmm..

Jayadev : what do you think about me...

Uyir : you..

Jayadev: yes.. I want to know..

Uyir : You... Speak alot... ..

Jayadev: And you are women of less words...

Uyir : What kind of match is this...

Jayadev : I must say the perfect one.....

She chuckled....

Jayadev : I didn't cracked a joke now...

Uyir : You reminds me of someone.... That's why... Nothing to offend you..

Jayadev: Who...please don't say your ex lover...

He said with scared expression... She giggled...

Uyir : Nothing like that....its my grandfather.. Who is too good with word...

Jayadev: So it's actually a compliment..

She shrugged her shoulder..

Uyir : may be... Now you are getting late for your meeting... I don't want to take your time more....

Jayadev: I won't mind...

Uyir : But I do..... Bye...

She stood up to leave and she already paid the bill.... But she stopped hearing his words...

Jayadev: Please don't say no to this marriage...

She looked back at him...

Uyir : why??..

Jayadev: why not?..

She shook her head in disbelief and looked at him one last time and left through the entrance. He shouted...

Jayadev: It's not good... Answer me at least a simple nod and smile won't be much right....

But seems like she didn't heard him... He sat on the chair with sad face and looked at the pastry which was untouched....... He signed and was about to leave he again heard her voice..

"Mr. Jayadev "

He looked back and saw her standing at the entrance.... ... Her eyes looked at  that pastry and then back to him

Uyir : Don't waste food...

She said and left... He stood there in daze.............

Author's Note...

Hello people....

How was the chapter..

I tried my level best not to make her speak more... It's a tough job you know all my female leads speak alot compared to men......

I hope it's good... Do let me know your thoughts....

By the way do you guys like that poster... I feel something is missing I don't know what.....

Happy Reading📖📖📖

Thank you❤❤❤

Moogathirai... (The veil of desire)(Completed )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang