K-Class Zombie

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An armored jeep rumbled across the rough roads. Empty fields and hills gradually transitioned to the broken wrecks of cars and trucks. Finally, the cityscape of Gimpo City loomed in the horizon.

"I see them," the driver said, his deep and slow voice like gravel. The man's deep-set eyes gazed into the far distance, even further than Lee Minho's eyes could see.

"Look safe?" Lee Minho asked. The man driving beside him nodded. "Good. Let's meet them." In front of the military checkpoint which blocked the entrance to the city, a group of soldiers stood in wait. Lee Minho and his team exited the car, and after verifying their identity, were allowed to pass through. "Be careful," a military captain told them, his hat casting a shadow over the grave expression on his face. "That thing... it's not like the others."

"We'll try," Lee Minho said. After going through the checkpoint, Lee Minho and his team properly entered Gimpo City. This was one of the few remaining residential areas where common citizens were allowed to reside. Gaunt and suspicious faces peered out from the dark windows. A few children played on the quiet streets-they chased after each other, small feet pattering on worn concrete and asphalt.

Lee Minho's group entered a sealed area, a building with two gates, to leave the safe zone. One gate opened to let them in, and after that gate closed, the gate at the other side opened to let them out. And once they were out, they were in the wild zone of Gimpo City.

Soldiers covered the top of the gate, providing backup cover and making sure no zombies loitered at the wall. A series of traps lined the area as well. Lee Minho took a cursory glance around. It was all clear; this area usually didn't have many zombies, anyway-not since Lee Minho had cleared them out. He raised his hand to his ear and tapped the radio com. "Gimpo City Command, this is Lee Know. Do you copy?"

A slightly staticky voice responded. "Copy, this is Gimpo City Command."
"My team is ready to move out from Checkpoint E. Location of the target?"
"Please hold. Our Locator has indicated that the target may be on the move."
Lee Minho turned his head to Changbin. The large and stoic man nodded, and along with another member of the SKZ, he entered a nearby apartment to climb up to get a vantage point over the city. "Just give me a rough estimate."

The analyst at the other side hesitated. "Previous location was in Area D-C, but... it's..." Changbin reached the top of the apartment building. He scanned Gimpo city, head turning in a slow and constant speed. And when his head angled in the direction of Gimpo City's main base, he stopped. Changbin raised a hand, moving it in a few quick signals. A flash of understanding passed through Lee Minho's eyes.

Lee Minho signaled to his team. They spread out in formation, and at his go, everyone moved out. "Moving fast, I bet," Lee Minho said into his com, speaking seamlessly even while running and leaping across the city streets. "Sound an alarm and move to a secure location. It's coming back for seconds."
A tense silence came from the other end. "Shit," the analyst muttered. Then, a clatter as the analyst rushed to sound the alarm.

Lee Minho turned off his com. He signaled the team to speed up, and then looked to his right. A young woman with gentle beauty, like an ephemeral breeze or a wave of water, ran beside him. Seeing his look, Lisa smiled and nodded. She jumped ahead, and as she moved, her presence faded and dissolved until even Lee Minho could barely remember she was there.

By the time Lee Minho's team reached Gimpo City's main base, a horde of zombies had stormed the gate. A giant hole had been torn through the checkpoint, and the corpses writhed as they walked past it. The highest level of these zombies was only C-class. The SKZ's assault unit dived in on the mass of zombies, blowing them and tearing them apart with their powers. Lee Minho and the rest of the unit advanced through the whirlwind of blood and limbs, the goggles and lower face masks protecting them from being tainted.
After passing the checkpoint, a course of energy like static rushed through Lee Minho. The other members of the SKZ directly hissed in pain, falling to their knees.

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