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«Miami, Florida»

It took two whole weeks before Lauren could feel well enough to be considered for discharge from the hospital after the heart attack that had assaulted her heart. During those weeks, her absence was noticed and she could no longer hide it. Her boss found out about her illness, as did her remaining friends and colleagues. Everyone she had tried to keep it from walked the halls of the place. The rumors even reached the ears of her enemies, who took the news with smiles behind their tense lips from their prosperous lives.

On the other hand, questions arose: why would a young woman like her suffer from heart problems? She no longer cared if they knew, she had resigned herself. However, Ashley took control of the situation. She explained that her girlfriend had a congenital defect that she had been suffering from since birth. Her boss shouldn't know about her past or the life sentence she had received as a consequence of it. Ashley wanted Lauren to continue to be considered the best option for promotion to executive director because, according to Ashley's plans, her girlfriend would not perish. Ashley was lucky to be very good at lying and helped her sort out that tangle of explanations.

At three in the afternoon on the last day that Lauren would be in the hospital, her doctor requested her presence in his office. So there they were, both sitting in front of him.

Lauren wasn't as engaged in the conversation as her girlfriend was, she was distracted by observing the outside through the window. From that level and through the glass, she could appreciate the ocean in the distance and understood in that moment that she had never stopped to appreciate its beauty. Instead, she had always felt intimidated by its magnitude. However, today, she had given respite to her repudiation of the Herculean waters and stopped to appreciate the beauty of the details that nature and people provided, as she had never appreciated anything before.

"It's ridiculous that they haven't resolved anything," Ashley protested. "We've been waiting for months and her situation is becoming more critical."

"This is not my fault, Lauren is on the waiting list and we must be patient, that's all we can do for now, and please cooperate with her medical care. She cannot drink..."

"Listen, Dr. Campbell," the woman interrupted, while Lauren remained oblivious to everything but with her ears listening, "you have been treating Lauren for a long time and we trust you, and..."

"I am trying to do everything within my power," the doctor cut her off.

"I know, I'm not saying you're not, but maybe... I don't know, one hundred fifty thousand dollars would incentivize you more," she blurted out without restraint.

Tension fell quickly upon them and silence filled the office as the doctor and Ashley's gazes met. Lauren was as stunned as the doctor and disconnected her eyes from the scenery to focus on her girlfriend.

"Ashley, what are you...?" she said, astonished.

She ignored the green-eyed woman and continued reciting her proposal.

"I have researched enough to know that an organ can cost between one hundred thirty thousand dollars and one hundred sixty thousand dollars on the black market, not to mention the costs of the procedure that can amount to fifty thousand dollars," she continued, with her gaze fixed on the doctor's eyes, "but it's underground. However, if with one hundred fifty thousand dollars for you and another one hundred fifty thousand dollars for the clinic director, you can make sure that Lauren receives her heart and proper procedure, it would be much better. If money can save her life, consider it as an option."

What was she doing? Lauren was completely bewildered listening to her girlfriend's words. They had not agreed on this.

"Are you bribing me?"

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