Additional Part 6: Hi Again

Start from the beginning

"Sit." she chuckles. "Sit boy- no no no no, drop it."

She chuckles again when the dog leaps on her and knocks her onto the sand. "Otis! No, stop, ok?"

JJ's face tenses, and he turns his body to lean his weight onto his bike as he observes her from afar. His eyes travel around to look for Rafe, but he's not there. He takes a moment, mentally preparing himself, before he lifts himself off his bike, drops his smoke, putting it out with his boot, and wanders over toward her.

Ki throws a stick far enough for it to land in the water, the dog bolts after it and sinks itself into the water to try and retrieve it. She huffs out a content sigh, and the corners of her lips turn up into a smile as she waits, folding her arms in front of her. A timid smile plucks up at the corner of his mouth- he's reminded of how soft Ki can be.

"He's a pretty ugly dog." he chuckles. Ki freezes, hearing his voice... her heart sputtering in her chest. Her movements slow, as though she could feel them stifled. The fresh air hits her face and the tang of salt smelt more vivid- it's like his words had brought the world to a stand still and all her senses were now amplified. The breeze gently whirls around her, whipping at her silky dress, and letting it gently drag along her legs. Her smile falls away. She turns slowly to face him, sweeping strands of hair from her face... It was the first time she was getting to look at him properly in a very long while. He stands there with his hands dug deep into his pockets watching her, hoping for her to just respond... the silence coiling something uncomfortable in his stomach. He'd grown a light golden stubble that fuzzed over his jaw- that she hadn't remembered being there before... like he hadn't shaved in a while. His skin now a little more roughened and he appeared a little more drained or tired... but his eyes were that same calm pool of blue she'd always remembered. Her mouth twitches, trying to find the words she wanted to say, but her throat feels locked up. Instead of words, she responds by launching at him with a hug, squeezing him into her arms. He lets her for a short while, before everything begins to feel too much- everything about her touch overwhelms something inside him that he needs to step away from, prying her arms away from him as he takes a long step back.

"Don't..." he chuckles humorlessly. "...don't do that Ki." his voice becomes stern and deep. He clears his throat, watching her face scrunch up in confusion, but slowly morph into the understanding she knows she should have had... a small smile brims at her lips, trying to replace the worry that had etched her face.


His eyes can barely meet hers now, and his muscles and shoulders tense.

"How have you been?" she questions, as Otis is bounding back toward her. He stops in front of her with a stick in his mouth and shakes himself off, spraying specks of water over the pair, stopping JJ from responding. But it cuts the tension briefly and he lets out an amused chuckle, and continues.

"Yeah, I ahhh... I guess I have..." his brows twitch, becoming serious again as he forces think his words and let them out. "Guess I've been better."

Otis starts to bark, and his bark gets louder, spinning himself excitedly in circles... he becomes mixed with uncertainty- unknowing if Ki were in need of being protected. Ki bends on a knee, patting him in an attempt to calm him down and let him know everything was ok. "It's ok boy- it's ok- stop Otis- stop- it's alright boy."

Otis doesn't stop and JJ watches them, brows furrowed as his eyes travel between the two. JJ moves forward to offer his hand up for Otis to sniff- a way of introducing himself- getting to know his scent, and then Otis could trust him and begin to calm. It works and he starts to lick JJ's knuckles eagerly.

"Hey, boy, hey." he whispers gently and playfully as he joins him on the ground, bending on a knee and pats him firmly as Otis gets to know him better. Ki watches him, intrigued. Her eyes begin to grow warm with emotions, drawn to the way JJ could be so... so JJ... his nature, how he could be so gentle, playful, and kind... with not a care in the world... Her heart pounds in her chest as she gets back up onto her feet. "Good boy- good boy." JJ's tone is light and kind and playful, the edges of his lips rising higher into a wide smile. He continues to pat him more, laying his hand over and over Otis's beautiful golden black coat, until Otis is sniffing JJ's face, and leaving slimy streaks of drool over his left cheek. JJ's eyes lift up to Ki, catching the way her eyes glimmer and welling up a little. She sniffles, wiping her nose as she looks away. "How bout you, Ki... how you been?"

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