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"We've been walking for ages, can we take a break?" Erin asked, Theo nodding along.

"Fine, but only for a little while. I heard there's a herd comin' our way from new york." Aurora sighed.

The group broke in an abandoned townhouse, quickly clearing it of any z's. Theo settled down on a sofa, Erin sitting next to him whilst Gabi sat on the counter and Aurora scavenged the cupboards.
That was basically how it went nowadays.
Rory was in charge, since she was oldest and most mature, and she allowed her siblings to rest any time she didn't need help.

Suddenly Aurora heard movement from the hallway, and pulled out her dagger. "Stay." She said to her siblings, seeing Gabi sit up.

She slowly walked over to the hall, peering over and seeing some guy trying to sneak into one of the rooms.
"Hey!" She gave him her best death glare, one that usually sent chills to people who received it.

"Oh-" He started

"Drop your weapon." Aurora quickly went closer and pressed her dagger against his throat.
He did as asked, and put his hands in the air.

"No, Rory!" Theo appeared behind her, rushing up to the boy and standing infront of the boy.

"Theo! Get back behind me, we don't know this guy!" She ushered him back

"Can he stay with us?" Then Erin showed up,  also vouching for the mysterious boy.

"What? No- we don't know him." Rory slightly lowered her dagger

"Pleeeeeaaaaassseee?" Gabi joined in.

"What the hell, Gabi? Why am I outnumbered here?" She looked back to the boy. "Fine, but only if he wants to come with us." She gave in. The siblings looked to the boy expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"Uh- yeah, sure." He stuttered out.

"Yay! Fo you want to see my drawing?" Theo asked, dragging him away.

"Oh god." Aurora muttered under her breath. "If he does anything- and I mean ANYTHING, he's gone. got it?" She told her sisters.

"Fine, but he'll be fine. Stop worrying so much!" Erin laughed and went over to him and Theo.

None of them knew it, but that moment was the beginning of their found family.

Looking back they were far too trusting, but at least it turned out okay.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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