Are Yall Dating??

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Nurus POV;
I Kept playing with a smile until I looked away from the crowd and looked at Varian who was staring at Hugo while singing they have been awfully close recently and it was rather weird.

I Looked at Yong and stared until he looked at me I motioned my head towards the both and Yong gave me a confused look as I mouthed the words 'I don't Know either' Yong shrugged as he continued to the end.


Varians POV;
I was sweating in my dressing room as we had just finished the concert and Lord I couldn't stop thinking of looking at Hugo.

I used a hand and grabbed a cloth and wiped off the sweat as I heard a knock
"Come in! " Hugo walked in and closed the door behind him "Something Wrong Hugo? " Why was he here? "I want to know why you were staring at me the whole concert? " Was he mad? Oh Lord-"I.. Don't Know? " Hugo glared he deep in the eyes.

"I Was Making sure you didn't miss a line" I began to hiccup (I hc he hiccups when he lies) Hugo pinned against the wall and whispered in my ear "Tell me the truth Freckles" I turned red "I.. Uh.. Was making sure I didn't miss a line" I held in my hiccups Hugo smirked.

"I know I'm amazing to look at! " Hugo said jokingly "Ya Sure Whatever Pretty boy" I rolled my eyes smiling "How dare you say that to me! " Hugo gasped "Sorry didn't mean to upset my darling" I said jokingly as I took out my studs.

I could see Hugo in the mirror going a deep red so I smirked and began to take off the makeup "Something wrong babe? " I said and hid my smirk and pretended to be confused and made Hugo go redder.

I walked closer to him and pulled him down to my height and we had only a gap in between us a tiny gap I grabbed his jaw "What's wrong my baby boy?.. " suddenly Nuru came in and I went red and Hugo went crimson and her mouth dropped.

"are you guys dating-? " Nuru said out of nowhere suddenly Hugo lost balance and fell on top of me "DID YOU KNOW THAT COLD HANDS MAIN CAUSE IS DUE TO SAFE, HEATHLY REACTION TO TEMPERATURE CHANGES? " I blurted out and Hugo raised a brow "You know wha-" Nuru got cut off.

"We arent dating" Hugo got up and helped me up oh my Lord why did I say that.. "Can you lot like go finish taking off your like makeup or anything? " I spoke up interrupting the uncomfortable silence "Right... " Nuru gave both me and Hugo a weird look before she walked out.

"Go on then!" I said and turned to Hugo "But won't you miss your 'baby boy'? " Hugo gave me a sly smirk "Shut up! " I turned a deep red oh how can he do cocky yet flirty at the same time!.

Hugos POV;
"But won't you miss your 'baby boy's? " I used my signature sly smirk the tension was HIGH! in this moment "What do you expect me to kiss you goodbye? " Goggles Stated something I did want but well- I just kept my smirk and hopefully this will make a hint "Maybe I do.. Maybe I don't" Varian turned a deeper red and I looked at his lips.

Suddenly the door opened and Nuru came back in and I glared at her and Goggles just chuckled nervously"I really don't want to know what's going on but we are ready to-"Nuru then got Interrupted "No we are ready to go I just have this boy holding me up" I rolled my eyes and straightened my posture.

I pushed in the door way and whispered in nurus ear "Way to ruin the moment"  she raised a brow at me and I just glared then walked away.

"Cmon Varian! " I shouted over my shoulder and herd him come running behind and nuru as well.


We were eating dinner with Queen Rapunzel, King Eugene, Nuru,Yong and hair stripe we were all silent until Nuru Spoke up "So Hugo,Varian what was that earlier? " everyone else looked confused meanwhile i turned red and so did goggles.

"N-Nothing" Freckles stuttered whilst he was looking down at his food Rapunzel then spoke up "Sorry to interrupt but what was 'earlier'? " Oh my gosh this was so embarrassing.. "How about you 2 tell them" Nuru motioned towards me.

"Me and Varian were just in Varian dressing room and-" Nuru then interrupted me! "And they were all over each other the first time Varian and Hugo were right in front of the door and Varian was holding Hugo's chin with a teeny Tiny gap in between them" Nuru Gasped for air she spoke calmly though.

She then started again "Then Hugo fell ontop of Varian and Varian said some weird fact I then left and the second time I came in Hugo said 'Maybe I do Maybe I don't' I don't understand why but they were staring at each other and same position in the start except without chin holding" she took in a breath.

"That's what happened earlier... " Rapunzel was giving a surprises look towards us both.

Varians POV;
I was so red I don't even think there was a shade of red I was at this point Nuru was now quiet after talking Rapunzel slowly spoke into the uncomfortable silence "Right.. How about me and Varian talk later... " I nodded slowly with a sigh.

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