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Rapunzels POV;
The rest of our dinner was silent I could see Varian and Hugo exchanges smiles every now and then until dinner was over I watched Nuru and Yong walk away and waited for Varian.

I could over hear some of their convo; "So you will be back before I go to sleep? " Hugo seemed a teeny bit worried "Il try alright but that's if Rapunzel keeps me back long" Varian chuckled "Mhm.. " Hugo seemed down.

suddenly I saw Hugo list Varian up and hug him? It was extremely adorable and I was holding back tears I called Eugene over quietly and showed him and he had a tear roll down his face.

Hugo put Varian down and smiled at each other until Hugo said bye abs left Varian began to walk over to me so Eugene left.

"So.. What did we need to talk about? " Varian asked "I wanted to ask about you and Hugo" I stated calmly "You mean Blondie? " AWWW! THEY HAD NICKNAMES? "Blondie? " I questioned "Yeah Blondie! We have Nick names I call him Blondie and he calls me freckles,goggles,Hairstripe and Mr.Sleepy! " Varian seemed so happy!.

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