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june 20th.

I woke up seeing jacques was still sleep on the phone. He looked so tute relaxed. His eyelashes also looked perfect without even trying.

I'm jealous lol.

I took a FaceTime photo of course then got up with my phone in my hand. I didn't want to wake him up while I got ready, so I put myself on mute.

Lana and I were going to have a girls day because we just needed one lol.

We planned on going to the mall, and getting some food at this restaurant that was outside. It looked super pretty online.

I got my stuff out for my shower and went into my bathroom. I sat my phone on my counter before getting in.

Today I took a silent shower just cause. Once I got out, I turned my camera off and propped my phone up so I could see him.

He was still knocked out, but now he was on his back looking at the ceiling. I took another screenshot because his side profile is so tute too.

And he has pics of me sleep in his phone. He randomly sent one in the group chat, then a couple weeks ago I saw an album of me sleep called "sleeping monster."

Ever since then, I made it my mission to get him back.

It took me about forty minutes to do my skin care, brush my teeth, and do something quick to my hair. I just put it in a high ponytail, but it took a while.

"Renity." I heard his raspy voice say.

"Hmm?" I responded while twisting my sideburns so they could be curly and look more uniform.

"Where you at?" He looked at the camera so confused before going on pause.

I grabbed my phone and went back in my room to put my clothes on.

"I'm at home."

"I know. Why ya camera off?"

"I'm naked."

"That's cute." He lightly laughed getting up from his bed. "Hurry up and put your clothes on. I wanna see you."


I sat my phone down and in fact hurried to put my clothes on.

Bailey walked through my door with her tongue hanging out, and stopped in front of me.

I smiled picking her up. "Goodmorning bailey! I missed you."

"I wanna see baby b. Like dang."

I laughed picking my phone up and turning my camera back on. She tried to lick my phone when she saw his face.


"Hey baby b. Did you eat?" He asked.

She just stared at the phone.

"Okay..." he dragged out making me laugh.

"She doesn't understand, but yeah. My mom fills her food every morning before she leaves."

"I thought it was yours."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "She's not a it, and she is. I do it in the morning during school but it only lasted a month. I don't get up early in the summer, and don't say she's just mine mr. I want to be her dad so bad."

"My bad baby moms. Where you going though?"

"With Lana to the mall and stuff." Right when I said that, she jumped out of my arms and went downstairs randomly.


"Y'all meeting up wit boys?"

I smacked my lips. "I hate boys."

serenity / travis scottWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu