i love you...

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A/N: spoilers for season 2... but i'm sure everyone has already watched it!!! this is what i think will happen at the beginning of season 3 of heartstopper.

"I love your hair so much."

"Nick, I've really got to go..."

"I love your eyes—"

"For god's sake, Nick--"

"And I love—"

The sudden creak of the downstairs door and the sound of Nick's mum startled Charlie.

He looked up into Nick's watery eyes, smiling weakly. With a light sigh he wiped the tears out of his eyes, making Nick giggle.

"Do you feel better now that you've told someone about it?" Nick asked, wiping Charlie's tears in return.

"Yeah," Charlie whispered, fidgeting with his sleeves. "But I'm especially glad it was you I told."

Nick only smiled, and pulled Charlie into another hug.

The only word Charlie could use to describe how he was feeling was safe. There was no one in this world who he trusted more in this moment. In the arms of Nick Nelson, he knew he would be okay.

"I have to go," Charlie said sadly, pulling away. "Can I come round tomorrow morning?"

"Of course," Nick replied, standing up and holding out his hand for Charlie. He took it, squeezed it, and they walked downstairs.

When they got to the door, Nick pulled him into a passionate kiss.

Charlie pulled on his shoes, and stepped outside. "Bye," he said calmly, waving. "I'll text you when I get home."

"Okay, bye." Nick said warmly. He closed the door, and Charlie started his walk home.

He walked down the street, then immediately pulled out his phone, checking his notifications. When he saw none, he opened Instagram and pressed on Nick.

i love you, he typed.

Charlie stopped walking as his finger hovered on the send button, his stomach knotting. After about twenty seconds, he pressed send, then put his phone in his pocket, on silent. He continued walking home.

Suddenly, after about a minute Charlie heard the sound of loud footsteps coming from behind him. It was midnight, so he started to walk faster, just in case something bad was happening.

"Char, Charlie," came a panting voice, and he whipped his head around to see Nick, just in a soaked white towel, with wet hair and no shoes.

"Nick... what..." Charlie spluttered.

"Say what you texted to me." Nick had his hands on his knees and was catching his breath. Charlie hardly heard what he said - he was just staring at him in his towel.


"Just say it!"

"It's embarrassing..."

"Go on!"

Charlie walked towards Nick, wrapping his arms around his bare neck. "I love you."

"I love you too," Nick replied instantly. He scooped Charlie up into a hug, lifting him off the ground. "I've always loved you."

Charlie laughed loudly, grinning widely. He squeezed Nick tighter, if that was even possible, and cried into his shoulder, this time with joy.

When they pulled apart, Charlie couldn't stop smiling. "I'm sorry for ruining the mood, but my mum is actually going to murder me if I am any later than I already am."

"Oi, no saying the 's' word. I get it. I should probably also go too." Nick looked down at himself, and Charlie bursted out laughing.

Nick pulled Charlie in and kissed him first on the cheek; and then carefully on the mouth. "Goodbye," he said on to his lips.

Charlie smiled. "Bye. And put some clothes on!"

Nick giggled and waved goodbye, this time for real.

Charlie waved back, then started the walk back to his house.

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