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It was a beautiful day in late March, and Nick and Charlie were sitting in Nick's room playing Mario Kart. Charlie kept winning, of course, filling Nick with mock-anger and giving Charlie an excuse to kiss him to make him feel better.

Charlie pointed out the window and Nick saw snow falling on the windowsill and ground, covering it in a sheet of shimmering ivory.

The moment reminded Nick of the first time they had ever hung out outside of school a whole year ago. It was a day in early spring where the cold was slowly turning into warm. However, the cold returned, causing a beautiful winter wonderland for the two of them. Nick remembered his mum saying that he was more like himself around Charlie, and that was when he really imagined what more they could be.

That was the start of it all.

Charlie seemed to be recalling the same thing, because he smiled widely and grabbed Nick's hand, pulling him to his closet. Nick gave him a blue jumper, the same one as before. Charlie noticed and flashed him a knowing smile.

Nick and Charlie ran outside hand in hand, flakes of snow caressing their faces. Nellie followed them out soon after, barking happily, making Charlie giggle.

When they were far enough into Nick's extensive backyard, Charlie flopped into the snow, which was already inches thick. He smiled, then beckoned for Nick to join him on the ground as he started making a snow angel. After some protesting, Charlie got up and pulled Nick down with him.

"Char, no," Nick whined, but the damage was already done, and he was covered in snow, making Charlie laugh hysterically.

When things got bad, and Charlie had to spend time in the hospital, Nick didn't know if Charlie would ever truly be happy again. But seeing him now, he knew that no matter what happened, there would always be some joy in his eyes. Even on the bad days.

Nick rolled Charlie on top of him, and he stared into his shining hazel eyes. "You look so cute."

Charlie giggled, a sound that always made Nick blush. Nick carefully pushed his lips onto Charlie's, who reacted by wrapping his arms around Nick and pulling him closer until their bodies were completely pressed together.

They kissed until they were breathless.

"Nick... I have... and idea," Charlie said in between kisses, and Nick finally pulled away, admiring the scarlet on his cheeks.


"We should build a snowman!"


In truth, Nick had no idea why Charlie wanted to do this, but the look on his face was so adorable that he knew he wanted to as well, just to see his reaction when it was all finished.

Nick stood up, holding his hand out and pulling his boyfriend up with him. They brushed off the snow from their underdressed bodies and then got to work.

Charlie started by making a small snowball, then rolling it around in the tenacious snow to make the bottom and biggest part of the snowman.

While he was doing this, Nick went into the house and grabbed a hat, scarf and carrot. By the time he came back outside Charlie had already finished the largest ball of snow, and was working on rolling the next one.

"Char, let me help you," Nick said, giggling.

Charlie stopped rolling the snowball, brushing off his bare hands and wiping them on his pants, then pulling his sleeves down to keep them warm. Nick grabbed his hands and rubbed them quickly, warming them up for him.

"Thank you," said Charlie.

Nick kept rolling the middle part of the body, and when it got big enough, he lifted it on top of the bottom.

"You're so strong," Charlie said offhandedly, eyes wide.

"Oh, yeah?" Nick said, grinning. He ran over to Charlie and scooped him up, holding him bridal style.

Charlie shouted. "Nick!"

"You asked for it!" Nick laughed as he grabbed Charlie's hips, moved him on to one side of his shoulder and ran around the backyard with him.

"Put me down!" Charlie protested playfully.

"What's the magic word?"


"What is it?"

Charlie sighed. "Please let me down!"

"Okay!" Nick slowly put Charlie down on to the ground, smiling lovingly to annoy him.

"We have to finish the snowman!" Charlie said, starting to roll the head. When he finished, he easily put it on top, then went to find some sticks and rocks for its extremities.

Nick put on the hat, scarf and carrot nose. Even with no eyes, nose, smile or arms, he thought the snowman looked very good.

Charlie returned after a minute with his hands full. Nick smiled as he gingerly placed on the facial features and the stick arms. When he was down, he stepped back next to Nick, who put his arm around his waist.

"How does it look?" asked Charlie.

"Amazing! What's their name?"

"How about..." Charlie took some time to think,  "Tiffany! I've always loved that name."

"Tiffany it is then!" Nick replied, pulling Charlie in closer. "I think we are the best snowman makers in the entire world."

"I agree," Charlie said, turning, so he was facing Nick, then pressing his hand to his chest. They kissed quickly, then a giant snowflake fell on to Charlie's nose.

"Woah," Nick said, touching it as it melted.

Nick and Chalie passionately kissed in the falling snow amidst a beautiful scene. And their new best friend.

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