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everyone arrived safely. we sit and eat chicken Alfredo and garlic bread.

"uh. who are these people?" my mom says.

"this is Jack, Jack, Sam, and Nate. you already know that one over there." I say and laugh.

"wait there's two jacks. how'd you meet?"

"you got this one?" Johnson says to Jack.

"yeah." he says with a goofy smile. I laugh at his smile.

"okay so we were in kindergarten. we walk in on the first day with the same shirt, same teacher, and same bookbag(?). those were good times."

we all laugh and I start eating.

Sam starts moaning. Lauren hits him.

"what are you doing?" I say to them.

"it's so good that I moan when I eat it."

my mom and Blake look at him like what the fuck.

"and these are my friends." I say and fill my mouth with food so I don't get in trouble.

dinner is soon over and I have Asher take the boys upstairs to play games.

"well that was....interesting." Blake said.

"yeah. they are so fun to hang out with."

"well I kinda don't want you to hang out with that Sam one. he's a bit inappropriate."

"but you approve of Sam and Lauren dating but you won't let me hang out with them. that's messed up."

"but still I don't know what he could pull on you."

"what about what he pulls on lauren? they are dating, we aren't."



I stop cleaning and run up to my room. I slam the door and cry. that's all I can do.

"Open up." lauren says.


"are you okay? they all heard you."

"I just want Jack and skate."

"alright I'll get them."

the boys walk in and they sit around me.

"what's wrong?"

"family. Blake wants me to stay away from Sam but will let lauren date him. I don't get it. he's not my dad. he is Lauren's. don't tell me what to do."

"yeah. why did you want us?"

"I want you to sing to me."

"what song?"

"I don't care."

They start singing all I want.

[thats a lot of words so just google it and listen to it.]

they lull me to sleep and Jack kisses my forehead.

they walk out.

I wake up and the guys are still here.

I walk to the game room and see them.

"hey you okay?"


I pull lauren out bc I have a plan.

"what's the plan?"

"it's up to you but I was thinking that I could sit in Sam's lap and you get Blake up here and see what he says."

"yeah that's good."


we go back in the room and explain the plan. Everyone agrees and Jack says he will be right beside me.

we unplug some cords to get him in here.

this is going to be amazing.

day 9/20

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Let the Rain Fall- Skate Maloley
Dave's Song- Skate Maloley
4-oh-2- Skate Maloley
All I Want- Daniel Skye ft Cameron Dallas

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