19- Part 4 Thinking Of Ways To Save And Protect DeathCron From The Darkness

Start from the beginning

She smiled. "Dad. You wanna hold him." She asked her father. Megatron was nervous. She handed her son over to his father. Troy walked over and he gently laid his son in his Grandsire's arms. Megatron couldn't believe he was holding his grandson. But he couldn't believe that you and him were grandsire and Grandcarrier. He looked at his grandson. He chuckled. "I can see he will have both of your personalities." He said to his daughter and Troy. The little one started to cry but Megatron gently cradled him. I watched my warlord have a special time with his grandson. And of course I was getting a little bit jealous. I wanted some time with our grandson too. "Ahem." I said while clearing my throat. He looked at me.

"It's my turn to hold my grandson, Megsy." I said to Megatron. He gently handed over our grandson to me. I gently cradled him. I went and I did something and soon the little one was sleeping. I walked over and placed the little one in StarLight's arms. StarLight was shocked. "He's sleeping." She said, shocked that he was already sleeping. I nodded. "Yes. I have the touch to help the little one's sleep." I said and replied back to my daughter. I then walked out. Megatron shook his helm. He then walked out.

In The Halls:

"Really Hannah. You have the touch. That's all you had to say." He asked me. "Yup. I do have the touch. The touch to help babies to sleep." I said and replied back to Megatron. He chuckled. We both walked inside the living room.

Living Room:

Inside The Living Room:

I looked and I saw photos on the mantle. I walked over and took the photo. I immediately laughed. "Megsy. Look at this." I said. He walked over. He rolled his optics. He immediately covered the photo. "I wasn't funny then." He said. I laughed. "Yes, you were." I said while laughing. "Soundwave. We need a bridge." He said to Soundwave through the com link. Soon a bridge opened. We both walked through. Soon the bridge closed behind us.

Location: Where Unicron Is

Inside Unicron's Core:

Unicron was in a deep slumber when he was awakened from his deep slumber. When out of nowhere he heard someone shouting. "OUCH!!!!!" The voice shouted. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM IT! BUT YOU JUST WOULDN'T LISTEN TO ME! YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVE!" The other voice shouted. Unicron's prototype form appeared. He looked and he saw Cyclonus running past him and he saw that he was in tears. "I wonder what happened." He said to himself. He looked and he saw Battletrap. "Battletrap." He said. Getting his attention. He walked over. "What happened?" He asked him. "Well, one of my traps went off. And it hit Cyclonus pretty hard on his sides and faceplates. But he should be fine. I tried telling him to stay away from them. But he just wouldn't listen. I just hope he learns his lesson." He said and replied back to his master. He nodded.

Battletrap walked off. He looked and he saw the darker versions of Megatron and Hannah. They saw Unicron. They both walked over. "Sir. We believe we are ready." The darker versions of Megatron and Hannah said to Unicron. "Excellent. You are making my daughter proud of doing what you are doing. And by following her orders." He said and replied back to the darker versions of Megatron and Hannah. They both nodded. Soon they both walked off. "I hope they finally figured out a plan to protect and save my daughter. I think I should speak and talk to my brother. If anyone has come up with any plans to protect my daughter from his darker version himself." He said to himself. He then walked off. To find out and to speak to his brother to see if he knew if anyone came up with any plans to protect and save his daughter from the darker version of himself.

Location: Unknown Area

Inside The Unknown Area:

Unicron looked around and he didn't see his brother. "Brother." Unicron said, calling out to his brother. Soon his form appeared. He walked over. "Unicron." Primus said to his brother. "Primus." Unicron said and replied back to his brother. "Primus. Has anyone come up with any plans to protect my daughter." Unicron asked his brother. "Because my followers are doing everything they can." Unicron said and explained to his brother. "I think so. But I really don't know. I hope they are. But I know how Megatron and Hannah are. And you know what I mean." Primus said and replied back to his brother. Unicron rolled his optics. "Wouldn't surprise me if they don't help. Not after what I did to their family." Unicron said to his brother. Primus sighs. "I know. And it would be hard for them to let it go. They have been through so much. Just like you have been brother." Primus said and explained to his brother. Unicron looked at his brother.

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