"We have also developed some prototypes of 6th gen fighter jet"-The Japanese speak up-"And both S.Korea and Australia each have a prototype of it"

Ander nod his head:"This is good enough,aside from the Arsenal Birds and various type of aircrafts,our country also have the plan of recover the Heavy Command Cruiser Aigaion from Strangereal nation of Estovakia"-he show the photo of the giant titanic aircraft on his display-"The Aigaion is going to be under repair and retrofit with electric propulsion engines,and will be equip with similar microwave power plant on the Arsenal Birds to take power from ISEV.After the retrofit of the elevator,we have enough energy to run one more superweapon-"

"Hold up"-the US president raise his hand for Ander to stop-"There is...one more weapon from the USA,8 1200mm Railgun Turrets System at the state of Wyoming,capable of launching 4 hypersonic ICBM with both conventional and nuclear tip at Mach 6 each shot,allow the missiles to speed up to Mach 18 while re-enter the atmosphere using scramjet,this is our ultimate weapon,named Yellowstone"

The news about a superweapon stunned all three other leaders,even Ander,as he didn't expect United States to have a weapon such advance.Moreover,many description of the weapon matched the Spaceguard Turret Network Stonehenge,the similarities between Earth and Strangereal make him feel cold in the spine.After a careful consideration,the Osean president found there is no reason to point it out:

"So...a superweapon,very useful,allow United States to conduct global range bombardment,I understand why this is a secret weapon"-Ander evaluated-"But this will make another question:do Russia and China processed superweapon like US?And I'm certainly they do"

"I'm also aware of their capability of constructing superweapon,but we can't really answer it,unless they want to show the world"

"Certainly,we can't really know what they are thinking,the meeting end here,I supposed that we must send new toys for that squadron to encounter the Russian force.And at last,I hope our relationships remain peaceful,no one want those superweapon to point to our land,goodbye"

The next day,Okinawa,2:15 PM

"Here we are"

The Hawkeye squadron came back to Okinawa after another 6 hours flight,no accident happened during the trip,all came back safely

"Welcome back,and sorry,we have heard about Hawkeye 10...a good friend."-a mechanic on the field said while inspecting Trigger's plane-"By the way,the Osean tell me that they would send new aircrafts of Osea to replace those F-22,they said that the Raptors didn't well fit for ground missions,aircrafts straight from Strangereal.I wonder how strong will they be"

"Trial and error way,they seem do not care about the aftermath of their mistake.Anyway,do you know the name of it?"-Mobius come by

"X-02,S variant if I remember right"

"S variant of the X-02,I found that name familiar,my father shot down one of it,but never heard of X-02S"

"I know it"-Long Caster come to their place-"Those X-02S,codename Wyvern is a variant of X-02 developed by Grunder Industries,and ordered by Erusian military.Due to the transportation,those X-02S still remain in their factories,and Osean government bought them from the corporation,at least from what I had read from the documents they sent me.And they should arrive here within a week,along with the maintain team"

"That aircraft is capable of railgun attack"-Blaze arrive,bring sheet of paper on his hand-"The government seem to want us to deal a devastating blow to the Japanese rebellions,or perhap something else.Look at this"-he hand out a picture of a flying fortress-"This is the P-1112 Aigaion from the Estovakian Navy and Airforce,they have just successfully recovered its wreck just by our coast a few day ago,no idea why it was there in the first place.Yet the higher already want it to be operable within 4 months of recover and retrofit.They are preparing for war"

"War with China or the mysterious force,or both at once,thinking about it make me...hahh"

The idea of war really displease them,especially after they lost a friend to enemy's firepower,but they are just pilot,they mean to win war,not preventing it,even if they want to.Mobius sigh,she wave her hand at the others and return to the inside of the building,follow by Trigger and Blaze's team,after a long flight,they just want to rest.

Somewhere in Osaka,Japan

"Damn it!They destroyed our largest base in the North,hundreds of men died in that massacre,the destruction of the base doesn't even give us a chance to recover!"

"At Least we assist destroy a F-22,and our main force hasn't been detected yet."

"That isn't enough,we must take revenge for those poor souls,I order an attack on Okinawa airfield."

"The air force of our organization is depleted,air strike retaliation is now not an option,even if we got a number aerial arsenal.If you still want to attack,I suggest using our men already in Okinawa to bomb the base"

"Approved your plan,priority at killing Osean pilots,those who must pay for the death of our dedicated worker at Rusha"

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