Chapter 12 - History Repeats Itself

Start from the beginning

Y/n stepped around the table and her bright eyes scrutinized his dim golden skin. There it was, two sharp feathers branching outwards, in the same place on his back like Poland's feathers were. Only that Germany's etchings were black, not white like Poland's. The black etchings flashed shinily when the light rushed over them.

    "Why are yours black when Poland's are white??" She asked.
"We don't all have the same color wings, Y/n." Poland answered. "The Countries I know that have wings - well, not one color is repeated."

Y/n climbed back into her chair. Her small adrenaline rush that had come from the realization that Germany and Poland had wings was starting to fade away and fatigue weighed heavily on her. She could have sworn her necklace glowed a little when she dropped her head down to rest it on the chair's armrest, but paid no mind to it. Angling her body so that her legs draped down from one side of the seat, the girl was asleep in seconds.

Germany retrieved his jacket from his armrest. He went round the table and folded the jacket under the girl's head. She stirred sleepily before settling back into her silent slumber.

"Poland..." Germany paused, eyebrows scrunched together, before continuing. "Do you remember that boy Britain found in Wales? His village was also attacked by an Empire." 

"Morgan, right?" His fellow Country nodded, then sighed sadly. "We never even got to meet him."

"Yep. Morgan. I feel like this is all connected somehow." Germany got up from his seat and started to pace quietly, keeping his voice down as to not wake the girl up. "From the info that Britain and France shared with us, they had rescued Morgan from a village that was attacked by an Empire. It was Roman, and Fascist Italy was accompanying him."

"Why would Fascist Italy be with Roman?" Poland wondered. "Roman's armies are enough to defeat anything standing in his way. So why would another Empire tag along with him?"

"Unless," Germany said slowly, "F.I. had picked up Morgan's magical aura - either of them could have I guess, but if Roman did, he wouldn't need Fascist to go with him. So that means it's F.I."

"I've heard rumors about how Empires can only detect a magical being one being at a time, and it had to be one Empire at a time too if that magical being was far away. But once the being is close, any Empire that's close by gets a full blast of the aura. I guess it was Fascist Italy's turn to detect auras."

"And our mystery Empire that attacked Y/n's village had also been in the right place at the right time." Germany glanced at the girl, who was still sleeping deeply. "We have no survivors except Y/n who can give us a recall of what happened. Even Y/n had amnesia from the sheer trauma of the attack."

"Wait - Y/n also lost her memories?" Poland sat straight up in his seat, keeping his excited yet serious voice in a whisper. "Britain said that Morgan also had amnesia when they rescued him. He couldn't remember anything for the first few days, but after a while he started to remember bits and pieces. But the whole picture is completely shattered and there's no way to piece all of it back together unless Morgan is strong enough. Perhaps Y/n will get better in a few days like he did. I just hope that her mind will be strong enough to piece back her past."

Germany nodded.
"One last thing - the Empires attacked Morgan's village because they knew he was a magical being. So could that mean - could that mean there was also a magical being in Y/n's village?"

Poland was about to reply when a shocked expression grew on Germany's face and he quietly blurted out,
"Wait - wait. Poland, I think that... Y/n could be the magical being that that Empire's looking for."

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