a family whose specialty is murdering

It's easy to forget about that.

"just take me to Master Deon please."

I calmly speak to him. It's easy to do this creepy gaze... All I need to do is just rest my eyes and stop smiling. And then let my emotion out and don't move anything and just stare at Vincent.


Vincent didn't say anything, he just look at me. I wonder what's so wrong with my eyes? I know for a fact it is creepy but how would I feel if I also look at my eyes? "... Okay." Vincent agreed and walk faster. I continue to follow him. As we both continue to walk there is no conversation nor is there any noise aside from our breathing or the stepping sounds. Vincent completely shut up and didn't even look at me...

I'm quite relieved about that... I don't like him at all...

*tap tap tap*


Vincent stopped and opened the door, "good luck, brother" he whisper to me and go away. I take a deep breath and let it out. After that, I go inside the room and slowly close the door back.

"There you are~"

That is not Deon's voice, I turn around and look at the white-haired man with the red eyes. It's Leon, the second son in the ordane family. Leon von ordane... "Greetings to you, young master Leon..." I bow down Leon laughed

"my~ even after you lost your memory you are still as cold as ever... Didn't you know you used to be so close to me before?"

That is a lie, in the novel they clearly stated that Leon abused Luke almost every day, if there is a competition of 'who hurt Luke the most?' then this guy will become the first one! I can see Leon is getting amused at me...

"i-i see... Very well, greeting young master Leon!" I repeat the words but this time I made it even more cheerful. Of course, it's stupid to just do as he told but I have no intention of being beaten up again, the OG Luke might not mind it but not me! Besides I am playing about someone who loses his memory!

"haha! You are still the same Luke~" Leon laughed as he walked closer to me. I want to go...! He is going too close! I step back a little... I need to go-

"!!!" my hair is being pulled, I look up and see Leon's red eyes looking straight into mine. "m-master Leon...?" why is he-!? I try to get his hand away from my hair but his grip is strong...! "master l-leon! Please let go of my hair...!" I look at him, Leon is still smiling. "why~? Should~ I ~ follow~ your~ order~?" he smiled.

Leon pulled my hair-


I slowly open my eyes and look around me, ah. Deon...? "oh my~ what's wrong Deon?" Leon turns to him. I try to get Leon's hand that is gripping my hair away but really-! Why is he gripping it too hard!? 'Please let me go away!!!' I scream internally!

Deon looks at me, "U-um... Master deon?" why is he staring at me? "come here." he says, seeing as I cannot move while Leon is still griping my hair, deon glared at Leon. The white hair man just smirked and let my hair go... Phew!

I walked to deon, on the outside I might look calm and collected since I am smiling. But in inside I feel like, I just want to run away. Away from this monster who is so called male lead seriously! Out of all people, I could get reincarnated why must it be Luke!? Why him!? Why him!!!!??? Ahhhh!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

"yes, master deon? Is there anything you want from me?" I smile at him, "heal me" deon says coldly. "oh," ah...right since the first male lead and the second one is rival. Most of the time they are the opposite of each other. Unlike Luke, Deon was a pure attacker, cruel, evil, and scary.

Meanwhile, Unlike deon, Luke was pure, gentle, kind, and most of all. He is not scary! Although there is a time when that does not apply we can scrape that out!

Deon has dark magic, and so too does Luke. But the difference is that since Luke hates violence he purposely dedicates his magic to a healing one, dark magic is usually used to either control, kill, ruin, or destroy someone or something. Healing does not fit the category of dark magic but the OG Luke never cared about it.

This is also why Luke doesn't die in this cursed mansion. Whenever he was tortured or beaten he will immediately heal himself to avoid dying as a result. And thanks to that he does not need to be sent on a mission since his healing magic will be useless over there. If they sent him to a mission it's like they made it obvious they want him to be killed.

Oh, the novel has mentioned that since Luke dedicates most of his magic to healing one. Most of his siblings if need to will come to him. But most of the time it's just deon or Leon who will go to him even if their injuries are a little like a simple scratch. Oh, add Kyle as well since he always wants to go to his brother.

I can understand if it was Kyle or Leon. Kyle loves his brother, it's not that hard to imagine him purposely letting himself be hurt just to go and see Luke. Leon on the other hand loves to bully Luke, it's not that hard for him to make some excuse to just make Luke come to him and then bully him like crazy...!

But what about deon? Why does he always go to Luke whenever he has injuries, in the novel they always made it clear that deon hates Luke. Since in Deon's eyes, Luke is an embarrassment to the ordane family, like how Luke is, deon also are loyal to the ordane family so why...? Wait, it could be that it's just easy for him to use Luke and not just waste some medicine. Oh well~ ... I shouldn't try to think about it. Deon hates Luke, simple as that~

"and that's how I got hurt."

I snapped out of my thought and look at him, his red eyes meeting mine. "oh, I see..." I gently took deon hand and grip it. Let's see... In the novel, Luke will close his eyes and then he will...use his magic? But how? Should I try to make some excuse...? Uh...? "master deon... Are there any more injuries you have not told me about yet?" I asked him, hopefully when his explanation is long...

Deon begins to explain, I take that time and try to remember about the novel.

Let's see... In the novel, they give you detail on how each character uses magic, at first I find it a waste of time reading since it's not like we can use it. But thank god the OG author wrote it! So...Deon magic can be used when he desires something and put his mind to it. The same goes for Luke. If Luke wishes for something and put his mind to it, the magic will come.

I close my eyes, 'Please heal Master Deon' A sudden light comes out, and forms a circle around us. The circle is very big, I don't know how big they are but the room is completely inside of the circle! This is pretty weird since Luke's magic is 'dark' magic, but then again this is what has been put into his story... Who am I to judge? Who cares if his magic is dark and yet they look holy?

I look at deon. "master deon...do you feel alright? Is there any pain?" I asked him, he looks at me. "no," he said, after that, I let go of his hand and step away from him. Uwaaaa... I am so nervous, but I'm also very excited! This is my first time using magic! This is fun! But the fact that two people who can easily kill me are here with me makes it hard for me to be too happy right now...

"done? I wanna play with my sweet little brother~"
Leon smirked, he then pulled me closer to him and look at me directly in the eyes. I gulp...

Oh no...

Reincarnated As The Second Male Lead, I Decide To Become A Proper SaintWhere stories live. Discover now