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"The witches were used to keep the humans and wolves in line, we kept them chained to walls or whatever else we had, the wolves were just too...stubborn to obey on their own. So we just used the witches to keep them..compliant" Catherine said.

"The witches were locked away due to, they themselves not wanting to comply"

I held their hands, they were both staring at the fire.

"How did you get the witches to comply?"I asked.

"Compulsion...torture..sometimes threatening to hurt their families"

"The humans didn't do anything?"I asked.

"There wasn't much that they could do, we were stronger than them, faster..the wolves can tear a human apart in minutes..the witches have dark magic in their arsenal"

"Why...why did you both do that?"

Catherine looked at me, "We were horrible people"

"Youre not those people anymore"I whispered.

"We are"Victoria said.

"Youre not, you haven't hurt anyone"

"Because you wouldn't like it"Victoria said.

Tears stung my eyes, "So..you'd...hurt people again, you'll kill people again"

They didn't respond, or look at me.

"Did you like what you did?"I asked.

Victoria looked at me, "Yes, we did, we liked being feared, respected, we liked being in control. And now to be hunted..like...some..rat, to be threatened. We hate it. We hate that it puts you in danger, we hate that they want to hurt you"

I walked upstairs, I showered and changed. I got into bed and hid under the blankets.

I fell asleep, when I woke up I was alone, I changed and brushed my teeth, I did my hair and then walked downstairs. I didn't see either of them, I made myself breakfast. I sat and ate, I washed up and then walked around outside, but I didn't see either of them.

I sat outside and stared at the trees.

"My love?"

I looked at the house, they were both standing in the shade, I walked to them and hugged them.

"I love you both so much" I whispered.

"I love you so much" Catherine whispered.

"I love you so much" Victoria whispered.

They looked at the tree, and at the driveway leading up to the cottage.

Catherine rushed inside, Victoria hid me behind the house, "Whats happening?" I whispered.

Victoria looked at me, "The wolves are here, and I suspect the witches will be along shortly"

Victoria went inside, I stayed hidden behind a pile of logs.They came back, they both had two back packs with them. Catherine picked me up gently and ran, I nuzzled her neck. Victoria stopped, Catherine stopped.

But she held me close, "We cant run as far during the day"

They found a tree that had fallen over, Catherine sat me down gently. I started collecting wood for a fire. They set the bags down, I took their hands and guided them to the fallen tree, I sat Victoria down, and then Catherine.

They watched me quizzically.

I got the wood set up, they continued to stare at me. I turned to them, "Whats wrong?"

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