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Willow yawns as she sits down from breakfast, immediately putting her head down on the table "You alright Wills?" Theo asks. "Tired. Couldn't sleep last night." Willow mumbles sleepily. Draco plates her up some food as Blaise pours her some pumpkin juice "You need to eat Wills." Draco tells her, making her sit up. "I'm not hungry." she tells them, holding back a yawn. The three boys look at her in concern "I'm fine." Willow smiles slightly. "Mhm." the three of them respond. Willow rolls her eyes "If you must know I've just started something that I didn't want to start but had no choice in starting." she practically hisses. The three of them look at her in confusion, making her shake her head "Boys." she mutters. Harry, Ron and Hermione walk over, Hermione looking at Willow in concern "We were right?" she asks. "Mhm. Couldn't sleep because of it." Willow responds, putting her head back on the table. "I'm confused." Harry says. "We all are." Blaise tells him. Hermione shakes her head slightly "Miss Mikaelson, would you come with me please?" Professor Snape asks, walking over. Willow nods and stands up "I'll see you guys in class." she tells her friends, walking off. "What's wrong with her?" Ron asks, stuffing food in his mouth. "Doesn't matter, she'll explain later if she wants to." Hermione tells them all, getting a nod from each of the boys in response.

Following professor Snape into his office, Willow smiles when she sees her Mum and Aunt Freya "Mum! Aunt Freya!" she smiles, hugging them. "Hey Sweetie." Davina smiles as Severus leaves them to it. "What are you two doing here? If everyone alright?" Willow asks. "Everyone's fine Willow. When you were younger we put a spell on you so we'd know when you first started." Freya explains. "Oh, makes sense." Willow nods. "We wanted to make sure you are okay and have everything you need." Davina tells her daughter. "Other than Uncle Nik or Hop being here to me my hot water bottle?" Willow asks, making Davina and Freya chuckle. "What? They run slightly warmer because of their wolves, especially Uncle Nik." Willow shrugs. "So you're alright?" Freya asks. Willow nods "I'm alright. I couldn't sleep last night because of cramps but other than that." she tells them. "I can give you a spell to help you with that." Freya tells her. "What about the spell we've been working on?" Willow asks. "Nearly finished." Davina smiles, Willow nodding and smiling in response. "We better let you get back to breakfast." Davina smiles. "I'll send you the spell later using magic." Freya tells her niece. "Okay. Bye Mum, by Aunt Freya. Tell everyone I love and miss them." Willow tells them, hugging them both. "We will." Davina tells her, kissing her head before the two of them leave.

After Herbology, Hermione, Ron and Harry fill the friends in about the egg hatching, the seven of them immediately run down to Hagrid's hut. Opening the door Hagrid ushers them inside, looking flushed and excited "It's nearly out." he tells them. They all gather round the table, watching egg which moves slightly with large cracks in it. Willow smiles as she hears small noises coming from the baby inside "It sounds adorable." she tells them. "What do you mean? There's no noise except the clicking." Ron tells her. "I have heightening hearing due to my vampire side, I can hear the baby inside the egg." Willow explains. All of a sudden there is a large scraping noise as the egg splits open, the baby dragon flopping onto the table. Willow smiles and cooes as it sneezes, a couple of sparks flying out its nose "Isn't he beautiful? Bless him, look, he knows his mommy!" Hagrid smiles as the dragon tries to nip at him. "Hagrid, she's a girl. You can tell by the length of the snout." Willow smiles. "Well, she's beautiful." Hagrid smiles, Willow nodding in agreement. "Hagrid, how fast do Norwegian Ridgebacks grow, exactly?" Hermione asks.

Hagrid goes to answer but pales, going over to the window "What's the matter?" Theo asks. "Someone was lookin' through the gap in the curtains, it's a kid, he's runnin' back up ter the school." Hagrid explains. Harry runs to the door and looks out "It's Snyder." he tells them.They all turn when they hear a small purr, finding the baby dragon curled up on Willow's lap as she rubs down it's back "How are you doing that?" Ron asks. "You don't listen to Charlie when he talks about dragons, do you?" she asks. Ron goes slightly red "Baby dragons, well all dragons really, have a soft spot. You just have to find it. For Norwegian Ridgebacks it's their back." Willow explains. The baby dragon purrs even more as it nuzzles into her "Willow, you can be her Auntie." Hagrid smiles. Willow smiles at the half giant "It's an honour Hagrid." she tells him, still stroking the baby dragon as it starts falling asleep on her lap.

Over the next week they all spend time with Hagrid and the baby dragon, Harry and Ron trying to convince Hagrid to release the dragon as the others come up with another plan of action "Just let her go. Set her free. " Harry tells Hagrid. "I can't. She's too little. She'd die." Hagrid responds. Willow smiles as the baby dragon, who was now three times bigger, lay with her head on her lap "I've decided to call her Norberta, she really knows me now, watch. Norberta! Norberta! Where's Mummy?" Hagrid asks. Norberta looks up at him, Willow smiling slightly "Hagrid, give it two weeks and Norberta's going to be as long as your house. Malfoy could go to Dumbledore at any moment." Harry tells him. "I-I know I can't keep her forever, but I can't jus' dump her, I can't." Hagrid explains. "Good thing you don't have to then. While those two have been trying to convince you to release Norbie, I have been talking to my family." Willow smiles. "What's that mean?" Harry asks. "We have a large enough land that we can let Norbie live there. We can put up charms so no muggles will be able to find her, and she wont be able to escape and accidentally hurt anyone. Uncle Finn and Uncle Elijah have already made the necessary arrangements. We are also connecting your fire to one of ours so you can come and see her anytime you like Hagrid." Willow explains.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ron asks in irritation. "It was fun to watch you both panic." Draco shrugs, smiling when Norberta nudges his hand for a fuss. "I can't thank you enough Willow." Hagrid smiles. "It's no problem Hagrid. Charlie has even been making an area that Norbie will like for sleep, he also said that he'll stay with her for a few weeks to make sure she's happy where she is." Willow smiles. "When is she leaving?" Hagrid asks. "At the end of the week, Charlie said that he should be finished with her new home by then, he also said that you can go and help her settle in." Willow smiles. "When did you five get so good with Norberta?" Harry asks, watching as Hagrid, the boys, Willow and Hermione pet the baby dragon. "Willow has been sneaking us out at night with her magic." Blaise responds, giving Norberta some chicken.

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