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The five friends sit together in the bathroom, Willow having used a spell her Mum taught her to make the floor more comfortable along with one to bring them food "You need to teach me this spell." Hermione smiles. "Which one?" Willow smiles. "...Both." Hermione shrugs, everyone chuckling. Just then they all smell the most foul stench ever along with heavy footsteps, turning the five friends see a Mountain Troll making them all scream and back away from it. The troll starts walking towards them, smashing the sinks as it goes "Confuse it!" Harry shouts, making the five friends realise that Ron and Harry have arrived. Harry grabs a tap and throws it at the wall, making the troll lumber around, trying to see what made the noise. It spots Harry and starts going over to him, swinging its club as it goes "Oy, pea-brain!" Ron yells from the other side of the bathroom, throwing a metal pipe at it. The troll turns to face him making Willow grab Hermione's hand and pull her towards Harry, the boys following her. The troll starts swinging and roaring, trapping Ron on the other side of the room. Harry runs and jumps onto the troll's back, his wand slamming up its nose.

The troll howls in pain and flails around, swinging it's club around. Ron pulls his wand out "Wingardium Leviosa!" he shouts, the club flying out of the troll's hand and falling on it's head. The troll sways on the spot before falling flat on its face, the thud that making the whole room tremble. Harry gets shakily to his feet, Ron staring at the troll "Is it dead?" Hermione asks. "I don't think so, I think it's just been knocked out." Theo tells her. Harry bends down and pulls his wand out of the troll's nose, snot all over it "Urgh, troll boogers." he grimaces, wiping it on the troll's trousers. The door suddenly slams open, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and Professor Quirrell running in. Professor Quirrell takes one look at the troll and lets out a faint whimper, quickly sitting down on a toilet while clutching his heart. Professor Snape examines the troll as Professor McGongagall looks at the seven students "What on earth were you thinking of? You're lucky you weren't killed. Why aren't you in your dormitory?" she asks, anger clear on her face.

"Professor, Harry and Ron came looking for the five of us. You see, I've been getting really home sick so Hermione, Draco, Blaise and Theo wanted to cheer me up. We came in here because we didn't want to get caught missing the Halloween feast and thought that a classroom would be too obvious. We didn't know there was a troll until it came in here. Harry and Ron saw that we were missing and came to find us, the troll was about to attack us when they got here. If they hadn't distracted it so we could get out the way, we'd probably be dead." Willow explains, Hermione, Draco, Blaise and Theo nodding in agreement while Ron and Harry look at them in surprise. "Very well, if you're not hurt at all you'd better get off to your Common Rooms. Students are finishing the feast in their houses." Professor McGonagall tells them. Nodding, the five friends walk out of the bathroom and wait outside for Harry and Ron. After a minute, the two of them walk out the bathroom "Thanks for coming to find us." Blaise tells them. "Thanks for not telling them the real reason you were in there." Harry responds. "See you in the morning Mione." Willow tells their friend, hugging her before the Slytherins head down to their Common Room.

Walking into the Common Room, the four friends are immediately met by Marcus "Where were you? The was a troll and I couldn't find you." he asks. "Long story short; we were trapped in the bathroom by the troll but were saved by Harry and Ron." Willow tells him. Marcus opens his mouth before closing it again "I think you broke him." Draco tells her. "Please don't do it again." Marcus tells her. "Mo promises." Willow smiles. Marcus shakes his head "Go get some food." he tells the four friends, motioning them over to the table that has been laden with food. "Okay." they respond, walking over to the table.

Over the next week Willow gets more and more anxious about her first game "Wills, you'll be fine." Draco tells her as they sit in the Common Room the night before the match. "You don't know that." Willow responds putting her face in a cushion, lying on the floor face down. Marcus walks over and raises an eyebrow "What's up with Low?" he asks. "'M 'onna suck." Willow tells him, her voice muffled from the cushion. "What?" Marcus asks. "She's anxious about the game tomorrow. She thinks she's going to suck." Theo explains. Marcus sits on the floor next to Willow "You're not going to suck Low, you're the best Chaser I've ever seen." he tells her. Willow moves so her face is facing Marcus, rather than being in the cushion "But what if I suck when playing in front of people?" she asks. "Just pretend the crowd isn't there. If you play like you have been in practice, you'll be amazing." Marcus responds. Willow sighs "Come on, you need a good nights sleep before tomorrow." Marcus smiles, standing and pulling her to her feet. "Night boys." Willow tells her friends. "Night Wills." they smile. "Night Marc." Willow tells the sixth year. "Night Low, go get a good nights sleep." Marcus tells her.

Willow gives him a weak smile before heading to her dormitory, finding Daphne and Pansy already up there "Hey Willow." they smile. "Hey." Willow smiles, grabbing her pyjamas. Willow walks into the bathroom and quickly changes before walking back out to the beds "You looking forward to watching the game tomorrow?" Pansy asks. "Should be good." Willow nods, climbing into bed. "Getting an early night?" Daphne asks. "Yeah, didn't sleep very well last night." Willow lies, untying the curtains of her bed. "Do us to quieten down?" Pansy asks her in concern. "It's alright, I learnt a spell that'll block the noise. Night." Willow smiles. "Night." Pansy and Daphne smile. Willow closes the curtains of her bed and closes her eyes "Obstructionum Sonus." she says, all the sound round her being stopped. Smiling to herself Willow curls up under her sheets, knowing the spell will stop once she's asleep.

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