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Willow finishes brushing her hair before heading down to the common room, immediately being jumped on by the boys and the Qudditch team "Wha-?" she starts. "Happy Birthday!" they exclaim. Willow laughs "Thanks guys." She responds. "Come on, you can open your presents at the breakfast table." Theo smiles, picking up one pulse of presents, Blaise doing the sam. Willow smiles "Okay." she agrees, following them all out and to the Great Hall. Hermione and the twins walk over, holding presents of their own and sitting with them. "Happy Birthday." the twins smile as Hermione hugs Willow. "Thanks." Willow smiles, beginning to unwrap her presents.

Kol and Davina - Puffskein, boots, black trench coat
Freya and Keelin - magical herb set, candles
Finn and Sage - copy of Esther's grimoire, crystals
Elijah and Hayley - pair of heeled boots, watch
Klaus and Caroline - dress, art supplies
Rebekah and Marcel - new makeup, jewellery set
Hope - an Astrolabe (used to study the universe, planets and stars)
Bill - Wizard's Chess Set
Charlie - Mini moving model of a Hebridean Black Dragon
Draco - new tank for Asmodeus, chocolate frogs
Theo - History of Appleby Arrows, packet of sugar quills
Blaise - Appleby Arrows bag and pin badges, pack of liquorice wands
Hermione - Jane Austin book set
Fred and George - Appleby Arrows blanket
Marcus - Appleby Arrows signed Quaffle
Rest of the Quidditch Team - Appleby Arrows Jumper and signed poster
Remus - 1kg bar of chocolate
Severus - potion ingredients
Molly and Arthur - fudge and jumper
Narcissa - snake earrings
Cynthia (Theo's mum) - silver kitten heels
Veronica (Blaise's mum) - snake hair pin

Willow smiles and holds her Puffskein "He's so adorable!" she smiles. "What you going to call him?" Terence asks, stroking the top of the Puffskein's head with his finger. "Iggy." Willow decides. Iggy chirps happily, making Willow smile "So what's the plan today?" Hermione asks. Willow shrugs "Well, we usually play board games and eat junk food most of the day." she responds. "Why don't we see if the Quidditch Pitch is free? We could play some Quidditch, take a picnic, I've got some games from home." Blaise suggests. "Sounds great." Willow smiles. "We'll go get the food from the kitchens." the twins say simultaneously. "I'll come with you to help carry everything." Hermione smiles, getting up and walking off with Fred and George. "We'll go ask Professor Snape if the Quidditch pitch is free." Adrian says, motioning to himself and the rest of the team. "Tell him it's for Willow's birthday and he'll make it free if its busy." Draco tells them as they walk off. "We'll help you get your stuff back to the common room." Blaise says, helping Willow, Theo, Marcus and Draco gather the stuff up.

As they walk out the Great Hall, they bump into Cedric "Hey Cedric." Willow smiles. "Hi Willow, what's with all the stuff?" he asks. "It's my birthday, these are my presents from my family and friends." Willow explains. "Happy Birthday." Cedric tells her. "Thanks." Willow responds. "Cedric, you coming?" one of his friends ask. "Yeah, give me a second." Cedric calls back before turning back to Willow "I hope you have a good rest of your day Willow." he tells her. "Thanks Cedric, see you later." Willow smiles. Cedric walks off making Willow turn back to her friends and head back to the common room. "How do you know Diggory?" Marcus asks. "He found me when I was upset, he helped me out." Willow responds, making him nod in response "I'll run these up... in a couple of loads... and we can go meet everyone in the entrance hall." she says, making the boys nod.

Once dropping off her presents, Willow and the boys walk back to the entrance hall to meet the others "Ready?" Fred and George ask. "Yep, let's go." Willow smiles, jumping on Fred's back. "Where are you going with a bunch of Slytherins?" Ron asks his brothers as the pass him and Harry. "It's Willow's birthday today so we're spending the day with her." George responds. "But why with them?" Ron asks. "Because they're my friends Ron, they all put their differences aside outside Quidditch because they don't want me in the middle of it all." Willow glares. "Come on, let's go." Draco says. "Happy Birthday Willow." Harry tells her. "Thanks Harry." Willow smiles. Fred carries Willow all the way down to the Quidditch Pitch and drop her on the grass "Freddie!" she pouts. "I'm not Fred." he smiles. "Yes you are, I've always been able to tell the difference between the pair of you." Willow responds, standing up. "Damn it, Georgie." Fred smiles. "She can see right through us, Freddie." George sighs, shaking his head in fake sadness. Willow giggles helping sort out the blankets and games "What games are these?" Miles asks, looking at the muggle games. "That's monopoly, that's snakes and ladders, that's cluedo and that's battleships." Willow lists. "We'll teach you how to play." Hermione reassures the old Slytherins.

Willow laughs as Fred and George bat a bludger between the two of them, the bludger barely missing Theo who is sat on a broom near by. Seeing Hermione nervously stood near a broom, Willow flies down "Hey Mione, you want to come on the back of mine til you feel more confident? We won't go too high up, promise." she smiles. "Okay." Hermione nods, climbing onto the back of Willow's broom and putting her arms round Willow's middle. Willow gently kicks off the ground, only going six feet off the ground "Let me know if you want me to go lower or slower and I will." she tells her friend. "Thanks Wills." Hermione smiles. "Anything new happen with the trapdoor?" Willow asks. "It has something to do with a man called Nicholas Flamel, that's all we could get out of Hagrid before he realised what he said. We can't find anything about him in the library though." Hermione explains. "I recognise the name. I'll ask my Dad when I go home, he might know something. If not one of my Uncles or Aunts might." Willow frowns, knowing that she knows the name from somewhere. "Thanks Willow, you don't have to help." Hermione tells her. "You're my best friend, of course I'm helping." Willow tells her. Hermione smiles "Could we go a bit higher?" she asks, feeling a bit more confident. "Sure thing, tell me when to stop." Willow tells her, flying up a bit more.

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