"When she was gettin' at Andrew in the library."

She glares. "Andrew wasn't mine. She could do with him as she pleased, you are." She looks back to her cup, blowing into the little opening. "She doesn't get to touch you."

Fuck me, there it is.

The claim, the absolute sense of possession, the fire in her gut she lets ride, no longer having a reason to hide it.

Josephine tries to spin away, but I catch her, swiftly take her drink and set it down, and then sneak her between our trucks, pinning her in with my hips.

Her eyes grow heavy and she lets her shoulders fall.

"For the record." I run my hands up her ribs. "I'd already told her no and was walking away."

She's pissed but not at me.

Josephine reaches up over her head, gripping the roll bar inside my open window. She holds on, lifting her legs off the ground and wrapping them around me, her arms slipping over my neck once her body is hooked just right.

She pulls her mouth to mine, nipping at my lips with hers.

"Would you tell me no, H?" She pauses a second. "If I asked you to put me on my back in your truck, right now... would you deny me, too?"

I groan, pushing into her and her harsh exhale lights a fire under my skin, sending a shiver down my body.

Her eyes darken before me, a heavy need taking over.


"Here, where all these people would see? Yes. Anywhere else?" I skim my lips over hers and she leans in, fighting for more. "Never."

"Then move your feet," she whispers, gripping me tighter.

My chest rumbles against hers, and a slow smirk spreads across her face.

"You better be careful, J."

"And you better start walking, H. Take me to this... anywhere else. Somewhere where you won't tell me no," she says coyly, closing her lips over mine.

Her hands slide across my shoulders and down my chest as much as our closeness will allow.

I'm hard already, aching, and the want in her eyes only makes it worse.

I squeeze her ass cheeks and her lips part.

She's not asking, but commanding I take her somewhere, play with this body.

I run my hands across the back of her thighs, hesitating, but knowing damn well I won't deny her even if I should for my own fucking sanity.

A little of her would never be enough.

A taste would only leave me starved.

I'm what she wants, and what my baby wants, she gets.

I drop her to her feet and damn near drag her ass across the field, through the campus and into the only open door I can find.

She laughs at my eager steps as we rush down the silent, dark halls until we're walking into the open theater, and sneaking up the stairs that lead to her safe place - the attic above it.

I give her no time to think, I'm on her in an instant.

She shudders in my arms, a small gasp leaving her as my mouth lands on hers, the anticipation alone lighting her up.

Her mouth is mine to take, and she gives everything she has, her arms quickly wrapping around my neck, tightening and tugging me impossibly close.

I kiss her and I don't stop.

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