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I lean over, sticking my tongue out and touching it to Mandy's while Kathrine  takes a picture, laughing.

Cassie plops down beside us, but slides off the bench, falling to her ass on the grass and the two of us drop with her.

"Hey, don't leave me out!" Kathrine  whines and throws herself onto the pile.

We giggle, letting our empty snack containers tumble to our sides, and lay there silently.

After our first few shots, we decided to walk along the green strip that leads to the golf course. Halfway through, though, the Hennessey kicked in and the snacks ran low, so we sat down, drank some more and here we are - a mile from the golf course one way, and a mile from Mandy's house the other.

I sigh. "Why do guys suck?"

"Because it's the only way they know how to work the clit from the outside."

The three of us bust up laughing while Mandy smiles, proud of herself.

"I'm so drunk," Kathrine  hiccups. "And hungry. Are you guys hungry?"

"Starved." I blink several times, following the lights of a plane flying overhead.

"What did Hero do, Josephine?"

Made me believe in us.

"He kissed me."

Cassie and Mandy push up on their elbows while Kat's head snaps my way.

"I'm confused." Cassie tries to frown.

I groan, closing my eyes. "So am I! My boyfriend is supposed to kiss me, right?"

"I think she's trashed," Mandy says.

"She's definitely trashed." Kathrine  yawns. "And I'm definitely dying from starvation."

"Let's finish the walk to the country club. We can charge some shit to my mom's account," Cassie says.

We all agree, but nobody moves, and a few minutes later we're chuckling for no reason, but mine dies when a familiar face is suddenly glaring down at me.

"I think I'm having a nightmare," I whisper.

The girls chuckle, then open their eyes.

Mandy screams before she rolls over laughing at herself and Cassie groans, throwing an arm over her face.

Hero looks left so my eyes follow, finding Felix glowering at Kathrine  the same, but she only smiles up at him.

When she lifts her arms like a child, his grin breaks free and he sighs, bending to pick her up off the grass. She wraps her arms around his neck, then looks at us. "I solved our food dilemma. No more apocalypse."

I push onto my elbows, but my head starts pounding and I fall back slightly, blinking hard.

Hero grips my arms, stupid flat expression on his handsome asshole face. "You good?"

My eyes search his, and the ache in my chest comes back harder than earlier. I tug free and have Cassie help instead. It's not the best idea, but it works.

Hero stays bent on one knee, glare pointed my way, while I attempt helping Mandy stand. Neither of us are steady on our feet and we stumble, but Hero's reflexes are sharp, and he's able to grab ahold of us both before we fall.

Mandy looks up at him, letting out a whimsical sigh. "You should share, Josephine."

"Sharing would imply he's actually mine," I murmur, and Hero's glare cuts to me.

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