As if expecting it, Hero is ready, his tongue delving inside my mouth, his hand coming up to force me impossibly close and leaving no room for air to breathe, nothing but him to fill my lungs.

My legs lift, sliding across his thighs, before wrapping across his back and locking.

He groans, ripping his mouth from mine as he gives a strong squeeze to my thighs. "I've been dying to feel these around me again."

He nips my lips and my head falls back, gently knocking into the mirror.

Hero slides his mouth down my throat, and my eyes squeeze tighter. I grind harder into him, my hands sliding along his biceps.

When he bites at my neck, my toes curl, and my eyes pop open.

My entire body grows stiff in an instant, a shrill coldness filling me to the core.


Andrew stands there, phone at his side, bag over his shoulder. With a subtle shake of his head, he keeps walking past, and I wish I could disappear just the same.

I am such a fucking fool.

It takes Hero a second to realize I've locked up on him, his head lifting as he does.

I refuse to meet his treacherous gaze, not when I know my unrestrained desire is written across my face while all he was doing was driving a point home.

I drop my legs from around him, and he doesn't relent right away, but finally releases me, allowing me to fall back to my feet.

I try my hardest not to touch a single inch of him as I squeeze away, quickly moving for the sound system to turn it off.

My shaky hand misses the button twice, and I take a deep breath, steadying myself a moment before trying again.

God, I'm an idiot!

"Josephine." His voice strained as he attempts to catch his breath.

I don't reply, hastily slipping into my track pants.

"Should I be apologizing right now?" he edges. "'Cause I don't fuckin' want to."

"No." My response comes out quick and raspier than I had expected, so I clear my throat and try again. "No, it's fine. Everything is fine."

I slip my shoes on, then tug my sweater over my head, pulling my hair out.

It takes all my will, but I manage a forced blank stare and turn to him.

Hero's face is drawn up tight, his chest rising and falling in quick spurts as he studies my every move.

"You did what I asked." My shrug is rigid.

Why the hell did I ask him to make me want it first?

Hero's head jerks back.

"I wouldn't worry about having to do that again."

"Having to do that again," he drawls slowly.

"He, uh." I look away. "Caught the entire show, so I'd say we're good for a while."

"What the fuck are you talkin' about?" Hero shouts.

"Look, I'm going to Cassie's tonight, we're going out of town in the morning to visit her grandparents," I lie, moving for the door. "So I'll just... see you Monday."

Or never, that would be awesome.

I go to walk away, but he calls me out.

"You're lying," he accuses flatly.

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