"Excuse you," Jackie spits, stepping to the side slightly.

Josephine's hand plants against my chest as she turns toward Jackie. She smiles sweetly at her. "Hey, Jackie."

Jackie glares, opens her mouth to speak, but Josephine grips my hand and tugs.

"Come on," she says, throwing one long ass leg after the other over the chain that closes off the line and I'm right behind her.

I don't look back at my ex once.

The ride attendant pretends she's annoyed for us holding up the cart an extra few seconds, but a small smile tips her lips as we pass.

Josephine slides inside, not letting go of my hand, so I drop right beside her.

I glance over, eyeing Andrew who stands at the head of the line, only for a split second before the cart jolts forward, and he's out of sight.

The second we're moving, Josephine lets go, scooting over several inches.

We're both quiet the first few minutes, but it's me who breaks the silence.

"What happened, lover boy didn't want to ride?"

My flat tone has her head snapping toward mine.

"He did."


She eyes me mockingly. "And then I remembered everyone thinks I'm dating someone, so I did what I would if I really was."

"Ditch the asshole trying to get at what he knows to be mine?" I throw out.

"Make sure the ex knows where she stands," she counters, holding my gaze. "Behind me."

Damn if heat doesn't spread through my groin.

It's been a minute since anyone's felt greedy for me. Fake reasoning or not.

"Rule number two." She scowls.

I sit back, nodding my chin.

Let's hear it.

"Don't make a fool of me by sleeping with your ex while people think we're dating or whatever."

"Just my ex?"

She frowns but doesn't ask for more. She should.

"Josephine, I won't be fucking anyone."

"That's not my business, but if you do, at least avoid people we know or go to school with. I'll do the same."

A scoffing laugh leaves me, and I shift on the seat. "You'll do the same?" I crack. "Meaning you'll fuck if you feel the need, but not someone we know and not your boyfriend?"

"Fake boyfriend."

"Same fucking thing."

"Not at all."

"You're a virgin."

She gapes, slowly shaking her head. "I'm not a virgin, Hero."

My muscles curl, my eyes locked on hers. "Don't play with me."

"I'm not." She gauges me. "I thought you knew this and were just teasing me when you said it before."


Her eyes widen, panic flashing across her face. "No way."

"Who, Josephine? When?"

"Look." She turns toward me.

I don't let her speak. "A boyfriend would know these things."

"Not necessarily," she argues. "Girls lie about this stuff all the time."

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