"And where I wonder is our Prince Daemon?" Lord Jasper snidely questioned. "Or I suppose I should call him King, as he styled himself when he won a battle there once."

"That was a decade ago," The words fell from Camilla's lips without a thought of how her defending the Prince might come across. "And Prince Daemon won the Stepstones for Westeros."

"And yet we have left it undefended." Rhaenyra argued. "There should have been fortifications built, watchtowers, a fleet of ships, a garrison of soldiers sent to hold our ground."

"We cannot afford it." Camilla interjected. "Our coffers are great but not infinite. We must consider the cost to our subjects."

"I must agree-" Lord Beesbury spoke.

"The cost of war is greater." Rhaenyra interrupted loudly. "But we have been lax and the old monster now lifts its head."

"What shall we do then?" Daemion's voice was clear, as he spoke for the first time in that session. "Raise taxes for the small folk and beggar our people? Risk riots and rebellions breaking out? We must think of our subjects."

Camilla smiled at her son, feeling proud of him for speaking against his sister and considering the wellbeing of their people.

"Let us be finished." Camilla stood from her seat causing the rest of the small council members to follow their Queen's lead.

"Wait." Rhaenyra ordered. "I wish to speak."

"Be seated." Viserys sighed, motioning for everyone to sit down. All sat but Camilla, who remained standing in front of her chair, not allowing the Princess this small sign of respect.

"I have felt the strife between our families of late, My Queen." Rhaenyra started. "And for any offense given by mine, I apologize. But we are one house. And long before that, you were my friend. My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. I propose we betroth him to your youngest daughter, Maegella. Ally ourselves once and for all. Let them rule together."

"A most judicious proposition." Viserys praised his daughter before looking to Camilla. Though the Queen remained still, her sharp gaze locked on Rhaenyra.

"Additionally, if Syrax brings forth another clutch of eggs, your son Aemond will have his choice of them, a symbol of our goodwill." As the Princess spoke, Camilla noticed a dark spot began to grow on the front of Rhaenyra's dress.

"Rhaenyra," Camilla whispered, looking from the young mother's face to her chest. Rhaenyra looked down, spotting the stains. She quickly crossed her arms over her chest, covering herself. A quick glance around the room showed all the men averting their eyes out of respect.

"My dear," Viserys spoke as Rhaenyra sat down. "A dragon's egg is a handsome gift."

"The King and I thank you for your generous offer, and we will consider it duly." Camilla dismissed Rhaenyra, as she moved to Viserys' side. " You must rest now, husband."

Camilla patted her son on the shoulder as she passed, leading Viserys from the room.


Servants and Nobles rushed through the Red Keep's main hall, moving out of the King and Queen's way. Their voices echoing against the stone walls, creating a cacophony of noises that grated against Camilla's nerves.

"How sweetly the fox speaks when it's been cornered by the hounds." Camilla spoke.

"She is sincere." Viserys argued.

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