Chapter 17 - Fog

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Grocery Gang x Reader
Chapter 17

His question caught you off guard.

"I'm... Fine." You paused, taking in his nervous expression. "What about you, is everything okay? You seem anxious."

The other guests were indulged in Albert's banter at the other end of the table. False shook his head:

"we need to talk."

"Huh? About what-" You started.

"You know what." He finished.

"About the talk show, or the stars?"

False shook his head, again: "The talkshow, Y/N. I didn't know things would get so personal." He hesitated before taking your hands into his own. "I'm so sorry."

You laughed, long over the whole public humiliation. It wasn't his fault anyway. "It's okay, it's over now."

False's frown deepened. He opened his mouth to say something else-

A hand smacked the table, hard.

You and False jolted in surprise. Your hands snatched away from each other.

"I recall this being a tea party." Fiddle glared, mostly at the king. "Not a date."

The guests weren't paying much attention to Fiddle's intervention- and instead busied themselves with mindless conversation and Albert (who also jumped when the table was hit).

"Come here." Fiddle said, rising from his chair. "Walk with me."

You rose also and followed him as he made his way towards the woods. You could feel eyes in your back as you walked away.


It was hard to see five feet ahead of you through the fog, so you stayed close to Fiddle- who hadn't spoken a word to you although you two had been walking together for several minutes.

You felt irritation fester in you again: "You and I both know it wasn't like that."


For a moment, you were sure he wasn't going to answer you.

"Then why were his hands all over you?" He didn't meet your eyes as he continued walking.

"He's just a friend- we were just talking like normal fucking people! I don't know what you want from me."

"Didn't look platonic to me. Get a room so I don't have to see you two being handsy."

You rolled your eyes. "You'd allow that?"

Fiddle stopped abruptly, his shoulders somewhat tense. The fog around you two thickened, much like the migraine he had that was painfully hard to ignore; tangible, and constantly present.

His eyes finally met your furious ones, and he couldn't help smirking.

"Of course I wouldn't."

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