Chapter 16 - Butter Man X3

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And no, it wasn't like you… disliked Falsewormking– but the drama created between you two made for an uncomfortable interaction.

"A host who doesn't show up to his own party! Absurd!" Someone at the table shouted in Fiddle's direction.

"I was retrieving my guests." Fiddle snapped as he sat down in his seat. He held his head up with his left hand, as if he was bored.

Albert looked like he was internally panicking, and sat down at the end of the table. You chose a seat near him.

The guests were insufferable.

They spoke loudly and incessantly about politics, and taxes, and whatnot. Amazook had long since disappeared from the tea party.

False wore a crown, and didn't say much. His eyes dragged over you, as if he couldn't look for long– but a slight smile played on his lips.

"Say, Albert," Fiddle began, smirking now. "how do you feel about butter?"

"Uh," Albert stumbled, "I love butter!"

Fiddle nodded at him, "say 'butter man' three times."

The table fell silent– the attention of the guests finally caught. Albert hesitated, but then chanted:

"Butter man, butter man, butter man."

The building anticipation broke as a creature made purely of butter lowered from the sky.

"He's here!" Fiddle shouted.

The butter creature got exceedingly close to Albert's face, staring at him with an unreadable look.

"Butter." It said, before disappearing once again. Albert looked absolutely mesmerized.

Fiddlepat frowned deeply. "He must not like you," he paused considerably, "it's okay though, you're fat anyways."

Albert twirled a piece of his hair around his finger, "that doesn't make me any less pretty!" He batted his eyes.

False glanced at you again, then to Fiddle uncertainly before asking you: "how have you been?"

(a/n: trying to get back into updating, sorry this is so short)

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