Chapter 31. A Sunrise on the Lake

Start from the beginning

Micheletto was kind enough to convince Maria to leave me alone for the evening. Was he nice to her or did he threaten her was not information that I was privy to. She however made it clear that she would still step in if I needed it. Tonight she would be more of a shadow rather than a handler.  Gabrielle was given the evening off to enjoy the festivities as well. At my request Catherine even lent her a gown to wear. Personally I thought it was going to be harder to convince her but it ended up only being a simple ask.
Walking the halls down the the main ballroom I found many lingering. The guest were already here and they event was well underway. It seemed I, myself was late. Everyone was surely in their best, bright vibrant colors, intricate hair and jewelry. No one looked familiar at all which is not a surprise. The one person I recognized is one I didn't want to see. Antony. He swaggered over to me wearing fine black and gold silks with delicate velvet accents. He opened his arms for a hug which I did not reciprocate.
"Lena!" His arms were wide but slowly lowered them when he realized I was completely unmoved by this gesture. "So good to see you." I just blinked at him. "Let me apologize-"
"For calling me a whore." I cut him off, my arms crossed.
"Yes." His voice was shaking as he scratched at the back of his head. "I am sorry." He bowed and it took me aback. "I was rude and crass to you without knowing your predicament."
"Why the change of heart?" I was not so easily swayed. Though I had only met him twice, this seemed out of character.
He rose from his deep bow "Val spoke with me." He straightened his lapel and cleared his throat. "Though it took serious convincing."
"What did he tell you?" I was more comfortable if Catherine knew my background but less so with Antony. He already thought me a whore, being a run away pregnant mistress of a Cardinal probably wouldn't help sway him.
"Nothing you should worry yourself about. He told me of your pregnancy which is clear to see now but mostly he just spoke of your character. How we was the one to offer his home and money to you, not the other way around." He seemed genuine but it was hard to believe he has completely changed his view on me. "He actually sent me to check on both you and my sister but mostly I came for you. My sister is fine." He waved her off. "So please let me escort you." Antony stuck his arm out for me to take, I hesitated but took it. He may have apologized but I have no yet accepted. With my hand on his arm he led me down the hall. "I will be honest." He started. "Though I do feel better about you I still will protect my friend. Val has good judgment so I trust his decision. You must understand, my vile towards you came from a place of love for my friend." Here it is. While he might outright not be discussed with me anymore he still lacks trust.
"I understand." I finally was able to say. "You feel no ill towards me but do not yet trust me."
"Right. Perhaps if you plan on staying we can find mutual trust." Glad he didn't say friendship.
"That would be nice." I felt my teeth grinding together when I said that.
"Fantastic." He patted his hand over mine. "So you forgive me?" I blinked at him for a moment.
"Yes." I lied. "Apology accepted." It was not in my nature to be unkind and say no. Who knows what that would start between us. The apology was accepted but I do not forgive him. Maybe some day down the line I will but as of now it's hard to get over someone speaking about me so horridly.
Making our way to the ballroom made me realize how popular Catherine was. The closer and closer we got the more people we saw. You would think this was an event for nobility. Honestly it made me nervous as everyone looked to be of high status. Antony knew many of them as he greeted them when we walked by. They had no idea who I was. Dressed just as they were I could be anybody. The sound of music grew as we got closer and closer. A low roar of chatter rang in my ears. Goodness, this was the first time I had been to an event like this in some time. Lucrezia's wedding was a close comparison.
Was it even possible that Catherine knew all these people? Yes she travelled around quite a lot but this seemed like a stretch.
The ballroom was finely decorated. I hadn't been in here before so it wasn't obvious what was for Catherine's birthday and what is normally like in here. The ballroom was massive and it was full of activity, so much so that people were spilling out into the hall. Some had started dancing already, others were nibbling on some small treats and there were even those who looked to be playing games. The music was lively and loud. I had half a mind to cover my ears. There were two staircases that led down to the main area. My eyes darted around to see if I could spot anyone I knew. First I searched for Micheletto, thinking his shabby red hair would stand out. But nothing. The party was large and he was good at blending in. Through my scanning my eyes found Maria. She sat with her two girls at a table as they watched the dancers. Maria bobbed to the beat of the music. The old woman was quite cute as she grinned and clapped along. Valentino was easily spotted as he was close by. He held a glass of wine and was speaking to a gentleman man who wore white and red.
"My I help you down the steps?" Antony asked me.
"Yes, thank you." He led me down, going slow with each guiding step. Valentino must have noticed us coming as he joined us at the bottom of the staircase. He stood in a slight bow as he held his hand out for me to take and I did so gladly, releasing Antony's arm.
"She's not crying Antony so I'd assume you were kind?" Valentino brought me to his side, my hand wrapped around his elbow.
"We are as good as friends." Antony cocked his head towards Valentino.
"Is that right?" He looked down at me, surprised.
"What you don't believe me?" Antony pouted but then his eyes fixed on something else behind us. "Believe what you want." He waved us off. "But we will close friends, braiding each others hair in no time." He stepped past us. "If you'll excuse me I spot a sweet treat." He winking and pranced away. Both me and Valentino watched to see where he went. I had hoped his sweet treat might have actually been food but it was a foolish thought. He laughed loudly as he joined two girls who were drinking wine. They were courtesans, nothing in particular told me that but I knew. They seemed too flirtatious to be ladies. And I doubt any one would be that excited to see Antony unless they were getting paid.
"I hope he didn't bother you too much." My head snapped back to Valentino.
"Not really." I shrugged. "He apologized and I did accept."
"That's wonderful."
"Though I doubt that we will be braiding each others hair any time soon."
"Antony is a bit of an acquired taste." He began to walk us away. "Maybe in time you will grow to like him." He was optimistic but I however was not. It's not easy to forgive such a slight. Anthony might be the most lovely man on the planet but until he proved it, he will remain at arms length.
"Perhaps and perhaps I'll go step on spikes." I grinned at him. "But I don't see myself doing either." He smiled and chuckled.
"At least don't close yourself off completely. If he tries, give him a chance." If he truly were Valentino's closest friend then I would do right by him. Perhaps Antony was not as disgusting as he seemed.
"For you, I will try." I beamed up at him. It is appreciated that he apologized. Most men wouldn't do as such, especially not to a woman. Valentino brought us over to where he was before. His friend stood by a tall table, sipping on wine. He was quite handsome, dark hair pulled back into a ponytail, his tan skin was flawless except for the scar on his upper lip. "Lena this is my good friend Ezio." Valentino brought me over to the table.
"I hope this friend is better than the last." I blurted out as we approached.
"Immensely better." Ezio spoke, he reached for my hand and kissed it. "A pleasure to meet you my lady." He released my hand. "Antony is fun to have around but a bit daft."
"You are close?" I questioned, tilting my head.
"Not so much, we are familiar. I met him through Val."
"And how is it that you two met?" My finger pointed between Valentino and Ezio.
"He's my banker." Valentino spoke up. "Our business together turned to friendship."
"As soon as I saw his taste in wine and women, I was sold. There is never a shortage of either with him around." Ezio roared. It made me blink rapidly. Valentino was not my husband nor did I know everything about him by any means but why did I hate hearing that he is with other women? Ezio spoke as if Valentino was a womanizer but I have seen so evidence of that. "May I say Val, I feel honored." He took a drink of his wine, letting it swish around in his mouth first before swallowing it.
"Why is that?" Val asked. A servant passed by with a tray of wine on it and Val grabbed one. He sniffed it first before sipping.
"You introduced me to the famous Lena." Ezio slapped his friend arm and laugh from his belly. My eyes flickered. Famous Lena what did that mean? My face turned hot. I looked to Valentino and he was bright red. "You talk about her as if she was a goddess, I'm surprised you let anyone get near her." Ezio nudge his friend. "It's an honor to meet you lady Lena." He leaned in to me. "It seems to me that every compliment he has given you is true." He pretended to whisper and I giggled. "When I tell you that he wouldn't keep quiet about you. I began to think that you were his wife." He snickered and Valentino choked on his wine. My gaze darted to Valentino who's eyes were wide and looked like he was grinding his teeth.
"I think she gets it!" Valentino exclaimed.
"No no, I don't think I do." I teased, my smile wicked. "What exactly does he say?" I leaned into the table, resting my arms on the top. Outside of teasing Valentino it would be nice to know what he has said about me. Obviously it was good things but how does he explain me being here. "He speaks of your gentle beauty, how angelic your features are." Ezio looked out the side of his eyes to see Valentinos expression. I was less subtle than that. My head turned to look and he was blood red.
"What do you think now that you've seen me?" Ezio was giggling, he found great pleasure in teasing his friend.
"Oh my dear, I could not call my friend a liar. I thought he exaggerated but now that I've laid eyes on you those thoughts have left my head." Ezio has a naturally wicked smile. There was something sexy about it.
"You flatter me sir." He had both me and Valentino turning red.
"My favorite thing he's said-"
"Lena how about a dance?" Ezio started but Valentino cut him off quickly. I couldn't even get a word out before he was shuffling me away. The last look I got of Ezio was his grin and him lifting his glass of wine to me. He had done what he set out to do, embarrass his friend.
"You forget, Valentino, I can not dance." His hand moved to my back as he led us away.
"You will do fine just as you did before." I sighed at this because I didn't believe I did fine before. This was the time where I wish I had other women to spend my days with. Maybe I'd would know how to dance.
Valentino spun me around to face him, it was so quick that my brain didn't have time to react. His timing was good because just as he brought me into his embrace the next song started. Everyone had partnered up. I counted myself lucky as it was just a basse danse. No jumping, nothing too quick. Something I could catch onto. He parted from me as the dance began, just two steps back. I looked over my shoulder to see what the other women did. All of them stood as their partners bowed to them. Turning back to Valentino I saw that he had bowed to me too. Then the dance truly began. I just had to follow what everyone else did, easier said than done.
"What did you tell your friends?" I said as we joined together again, his hand taking mine as we went in a circle with everyone else. "About me? What's the story?" I clarified.
"You are a friend staying with me. You wanted to leave the city while you were with child so you could relax and have a comfortable pregnancy." A good lie. Simple, not crazy enough to warrant questions from anyone.
"What if they ask about the father?" I asked. The dance was easy enough. I figured out that I didn't need to watch the others, just Valentino.
"No one has." Valentino shrugged. "I could just say he's merchant, currently traveling. Don't worry my dear. Your secret is safe with me."
"Thank you." I gave a gentle smile.
"What have you told Micheletto?" Valentino pointed his chin past me. Looking over my shoulder I spot Micheletto with Antony. The two look far more friendly than I would like. Micheletto said Antony was an idiot, so what's changed? "I'm sure he will have questions when he sees the renovation of a nursery." I tried to make eye contact with Micheletto but he avoided it. He was better dressed than normal. His shoulder length red hair with slick back, his beard looked groomed. His hands cleaned, the dirt under his fingernails was gone. He wore a black and gold leather tunic with white ruffles on the collar and cuffs. No wonder I couldn't spot him earlier.
"Nursery?" My head snapped back to Valentino.
"Yes nursery." He grinned. "Carpenters will start once these festivities are over." The dance had us stop and Valentino move in a circle around me.
"I'll tell him soon enough." I finally said. Valentino stopped on my right and took my hand in his. When his lips touched the back of my hand I felt warm shoot up my body into my face. No one else did the same with their partners. My face felt red hot.
It was only then that the music stopped good thing too as it gave me a moment to let my face drain.
Catherine stood at the top of the steps. She was absolutely radiant, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. From head to toe she dripped in gold. Her gown was extravagant, you would think she was getting married. All gold, shimmering like a piece of jewelry. "I thank you all for coming to celebrate me!" She addressed the crowd. On her head was a halo of gold branches that made her look like a goddess. Even her makeup was something to behold. Gold flakes dripped under her eyes like tears, it contrasted nicely with her blood red lips and eye makeup. "Drink, be merry!" She exclaimed. "Enjoy this night as if it would be your last! And don't forget. I will be accepting presents." She blew a kiss out to everyone and they clapped for her. The music began again but no one continued, they just watched as Catherine descended down the steps. Some waved, others greeted her personally.
"I expected more." Valentino shrugged. He was right next to me, his hand on my back.
"More?" My eyes scanned Catherine up and down wondering what he could mean by more. She was already dressed as if she was a member of a royal court. She was closer now and I could see her jewelry, red diamonds set in gold. They were so large that I was unsure of how she was even standing up.
"This is tame for her." Valentino informed me. "One year she came dressed as a mermaid and another she was a unicorn."
"Wow" was all I could say. She walked around the room like she was the queen, greeting and socializing with what seemed to be everyone. Some had gone back to dancing and it seemed that me and Valentino were in the way. He led me away from the lively dancers. It's a good thing we did, as this was a much more upbeat dance than the one we just partook in.
Catherine made her way over to us, her arms open wide when she embraced Valentino. Her hair had added rubies to them, different from when I last saw her. The gold flakes under her eyes was nothing I had ever seen before. Such elegance that it had to be real. "I hope you had a good time with her Val" Catherine took me by the elbow and pulled on me gently. "because for the rest of the night she's mine." She pulled me close to her side.
"Once again you are taken from me during a dance." He chuckles to himself. "I yield." He put his hands up. "You two have fun." He moves past us but turns back for just a moment. "Catherine don't let her get into trouble please."
"What on earth do you mean?" The pitch in her voice went up like she was mocking him. He tilted his head down and peered into her eyes.
"I mean it Catherine." He spoke as if he was an older brother.
"She will be fine." She took me by the shoulders and led me away. "Do you gamble?" She asked me.
"No." In fact I didn't even know how.
"Well it's best you start." She led me over to a table where mostly men sat. A couple women were there, of course I knew no one. Right now they were playing a tarot card game. I'm familiar with it in the way that I've seen others play it.
The table was large enough to sit 10 people. Though it wasn't full they had other items rested on the table for other games to play. I saw dice, wooden cups, a pouch with numbered tiles spilling out and a playing board. "I thought gambling was illegal?" I ask Catherine.
"You aren't going to tell on us are you?" She pouted.
"No..... of course not."
"Good." She held my hand and brought me to two empty seats up against the all. Catherine greeted everyone gleefully.
"Everyone this is Lena." I just gave a simple wave as I didn't know what to say to everyone. They all were very intimidating. There were 4 men and 2 women. "Lena this is Tommaso." She started pointing them out one by one. "Niccolò, Dante, and Macello." Each one of them waved at me as she went through their names. "And for the ladies that's Anselma and Cinzia." Cinzia sat right next to me. Her dark hair and bright blue eyes were in competition with each other to be her most striking feature.
"Nice to meet you all." My voice was quiet.
"Finish up your game." Catherine patted her hands on the table. "I want in." She pulled out her coin pouch.
"We are going to play liars dice next." Macello spoke. "We might play biribissi after that." He added.
"Whatever the game. I'm in."
We watched as they finished up their tarot game. I didn't understand the rules but I understand the tension within the game. The one who didn't play was Cinzia. She had Tommaso on her other side and she seemed more interested in hanging on his arm like an accessory. It seemed to be that Dante was the winner. He took what they had all bet with a smile on his face.
Anselma started to pass around the wooden cups with dice inside. "Are you going to play?" She asked not sure if she should hand me some dice or not.
"No thank you." I felt like I was sinking down into my seat. "I'll watch for now, besides I don't have any money." I scooted closer to Catherine.
"Alright but you must at least play one game." Catherine waved for a serf to come over. He carried a tray of wine and she took a glass for herself. "You hungry?" She asked me.
"Would you be so kind to bring some food for us. Whatever you can bring, we aren't picky." She ordered the man. He bowed and stepped away. "When you do want to play don't worry about the money. I can give you some."
Liars dice was a game I was more familiar with as it's easier to follow than some card games. I watched my father and his friends play often, I caught on very quickly.
They played several rounds and it was about 3 in that the boy brought back food. My attention went from the game to eating. Everyone else was able to multitask as they could play their game and dink at the same time. Catherine was efficient at it. She got several glasses of wine in and didn't seem affected at all. I knew that if I were drinking it would only take one to feel the effects. Niccolò seemed to be the most out of it he keeps dropping his dice and he can barely keep his head up. Anselma has cut him off, refusing to let him have more until he sobers up some. He didn't fight her on it, just more so pouted in his seat.
The boy brought me water upon request. No one pressured me to drink at all which I was thankful for.
"5 sixes!" Catherine shouted her hand firmly placed on her cup. She was almost standing up on her seat. Sweat was on her brow, maybe the alcohol had gotten to her.
"Liar!" Tommaso jumped up from his seat, almost knocking over his chair.
"Are you really calling me a liar?" Catherine sat back in her chair offended.
"I agree, there is no chance." Dante agreed.
"Pick up my cup then and see for yourself!" Marcello raised an eyebrow at them all. "Is it that much of a stretch?" He questioned. "We have 6 people playing." Niccolò had his head down, but his hand over his cup. It was muffled but we heard him say "Liar." And pointed his finger in Catherine's direction. Anselma sat in silence as did I. Maybe she knew more than the guys did. She didn't give it away however.
"Go ahead then!" Catherine gestured to her up. They were screaming at each other but it wasn't heat, just loud from alcohol. Each round had gotten more and more loud. The men seemed hesitant to lift the dice. I would be too. Catherine's confidence in her bid was convincing to say the least.
Finally it was Niccolò who lifted her cup. And she had 3 sixes. Everyone else lifted their cups as well. Anselma had 1 six and Macello had 1 as well, making the total five. All of the men groaned in unison.
"You just had to go and call her a liar didn't you." Macello grumbled. "I bet a good horse on that."
Catherine giggled as she pulled the pile of coins close to her.
"And I expect for the horse to be delivered to my villa as soon as possible." She started gathering the coin and putting it in her coin pouch.
"Let me win it back from you." He begged, his hands knitted together like he was praying.
"Maybe later." She shrugged. "I wanna dance." She slid out of our seat and pulled me along with her. I had no option to fight her, that's how quick it was. "Anselma, Cinzia wanna come?" They both got up gleefully, happy to be away from the game. Cinzia gave Tommaso a kiss on his cheek before getting up.
"You owe me a rematch Cat!" Macello shouted.
"You think you lost?" Dante spoke up just as angry as Macello. "I lost a gold bust." Dante looked the most unique out of all of them. All the other men looked to be your typical lords and nobility but Dante looked like a rogue. His long black hair was in locs adorn with gold jewelry. It was like his fingers, all of them had at least one ring on it. "He looks like a pirate." I whispered to Catherine.
"That's because he is." She informed me. Not even surprised. It seems Catherine keeps an array of different sorts of company. His clothes weren't sun bleached like I'd expected, he probably wore his best for the party. But what do I know about Pirates. However his dark skin did seemed damaged on his cheeks. It did seem as though he was good at being a pirate as his bets on all the games were high.
"Catherine." My voice was almost a whimper as she pulled me away. "I can't dance." I cleared my throat and she looked at me with confusion. "I mean I don't know any dances." She giggled at me.
"Don't worry." She took my hand in hers. "This isn't much of a formal thing." She led the way with my hand in hers. Anselma and Cinzia were right behind us. Going to the center of the groups of dancing guest Anselma took my hand and it surprised me a bit. Cinzia followed suit and grabbed Anselma. We danced in a circle hand in hand. The speed of this was controlled by Catherine but it wasn't too fast that I couldn't keep up with them. For a moment the crowd stopped to make way for us but they went back to their own, not paying us any mind. I preferred this to any sort of other dances I had done. There were no steps to remember, no switching of partners and staying to the beat of the song it was just purely movement. We moved together as a unit just doing anything we felt like, spinning each other, clapping to the song, even jumping though mine were quit low. Cinzia even managed to drink two more glasses of wine while we danced. Anselma slipped and almost went down when some of the wine spilled and she slipped in it. We all erupted in laughter.
Catherine took me around the room with her all night. Anselma and Cinzia stayed closed but since they knew more people than me it was easy for them to socialize. We went from playing games to eating to dancing all through the night. They drank more and I started to see it slowly affect Catherine. She got more giggly as she got more drunk but somehow her gambling got better. Macello tried desperately to win back his horse but to no avail.
I hadn't seen Valentino or Micheletto since the beginning of the night. I also hadn't seen Antony either. Whether he be with Valentino or Micheletto I had no idea but I thank them for keeping him away from me.
"I just had the best idea!" Catherine exclaimed when throwing down her playing cards. It would seem like that would be a forfeit of the game but everyone was too out of it to even notice.
"What?" Tommaso also dropped his cards, some of them fell to the floor.
"We should watch the sunrise from the lake!" She clapped her hands together. "Everyone up!" She stood faster than anyone practically knocking over her chair. "Has anyone seen my brother or Val?" She looked around at everyone as the slowly started to rise. Myself however, stayed seated. I was planning on joining them but there was no point of getting up until everyone was actually ready.
"Haven't seen your brother but I saw Val go off with Ezio and some girls, maybe like an hour ago." Macello shrugged.
"Okay. Macello and Dante see if you can find my brother or Val. Anselma and Cinzia come with me to gather some food and wine to bring." She looked down at me. "Lena and Tommaso head down the the foyer and have Arielle get a carriage and a few horses ready." I nodded at her. "Let's meet outside!" They all left so quickly I barely had time to get up before they were all gone. Tommaso was there to help me from my chair.
"Thank you." I said when I took his arm.
"Would you like some help getting to the foyer?" He still held onto my arm as if he was worried I'd fall over.
"No, I'm quite all right." He released me from his arm. "In fact why don't you walk ahead of me." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I'm a bit slow." I informed him. "Wouldn't want that to delay Catherine on her birthday. I'll be right behind you." He nodded.
He walked ahead of me but seeing as how he moved the rest of the night I think he was slowing down just to be close in case I needed him. I followed him out of the ballroom. Some bit of regret did creep up me as I ascended the stairs. I shouldn't have denied Tommaso's offer to help me. Halfway up the stairs a hand popped out in front of me. My gaze went up to Valentino. He wasn't as put together as the last time I saw him. "Let me assist." He said and I took his hand. His face was completely flushed. "Where were you headed? Let me take you." Valentino smiled at me as he brought me to his side, taking me up the steps.
"I was headed to the foyer. In fact we were looking for you." We reached the top of the steps and headed to the foyer.
"Really?" He asked. My hand held onto his elbow. I could tell he had been drinking. Not only could I smell it on him but his teeth were stained red, and his green eyes were glassy. Even his walk seemed a bit slow as if he was trying to concentrate on his steps.
"Catherine wants to go watch the sunrise at the lake." My eyes looked him over. His brown curls were now messy, his doublet was askew. The top few buttons were undone and the collar of his white cotton shirt underneath was folded under. "She sent some people to find you and her brother." I continued.
"Antony went off with Micheletto somewhere." He didn't seemed confused about that pairing like I was.
"You jest." I couldn't believe it.
"No, honestly." He put his hand over his chest. "Antony said something about Micheletto showing him some sword move. They left." He seemed unbothered. "They are probably somewhere sword fighting." It seemed in character for Micheletto to lore someone away and kill them but that's not what this was. They seemed friendly when I saw them earlier. He is too smart to go kill someone when he was the last known person with them.
"That's weird." I said under my breath. Valentino heard me because he turned his head to me. But either he didn't hear what I said or he didn't want to question it because he said nothing. "Where have you been?" It had been hours since I had seen him but Macello did.
"I......uh." He scratched the back of his head. His already flushed face flashed a deep red for just a moment. He turned his face away from me but it didn't stop me from seeing it. "I was just with Ezio." He cleared his throat. "We were just drinking out on the terrace." He didn't mention the women but why would he? Ezio did say he liked his choice in wine and women. I doubt that they had one but not the other. "He met up with Christina and left me." He said it as if I knew who Christina was.
"Who's that?" I asked him. He was walking a bit slower than normal, like he was concentrating.
"Christina? Just a girl Ezio has be pining over since he was a teenager." He shrugged. "Have you been enjoying your evening?" He finally looked back at me. His pupils were wide his green eyes were so dark.
"Wonderful. Catherine was been keeping me busy." He started to chuckle.
"I'm surprised you were able to keep up."
"And why wouldn't I be able to keep up?" I released his elbow and crossed my arms. He looked embarrassed.
"It's not you." He cleared his throat. "Catherine, I mean. She is just very....." he trailed off looking for the right word. "Energetic."
Tommaso was of course in the foyer before us. He was already talking to Arielle about getting some horses and carriage. I assume the guys would be riding on horse back.
Valentino helped me down the other set of stairs that led to the foyer. He wasn't drunk yet but I could tell he was exactly sober. He sat me down in a chair as he went over to speak with Arielle. He man servant seemed displeased with the idea. Even from over here the sour look on his face was plain to see.
I was sat back in my seat when the baby started to kick. This was one of the worst ones yet. The pain was in the side of my belly as their foot kept lodging into my side. I winced, sitting up in my seat holding onto my stomach. Valentino rushed over to me, stumbling in the process.
"Are you alright?" He was looking down at me.
"I'm fine." I grinding my teeth together. It wasn't a sharp pain, just discomfort. A lot of it. "The baby." I winced again and Valentino dropped to his knees in front of me. "They are kicking." I forced a smile.
"Maybe we should get you to bed." When he looked at me his eyes were darting all around. My hand found its way to his face as I cupped his cheek. It was hot to the touch.
"I'm fine." I smiled down at him."I'm not going to miss the view of a sunrise. You know I like to gaze up to the sky." I reminded him. "Here." I offered my hand to him and he took it. "They are a kicker." I put his hand to my stomach, right in the spot the baby kicked. He looked at my belly with such amazement. He had a glimmer in his eyes that almost looked like tears.
"This must mean they are healthy." He moved his hand to better feel the kicking.
"They will be a handful more like, you think you're ready for that?"
"If I can handle Catherine and Antony, I think I'll be fine."
Just at that moment Catherine herself walked in. She had everyone with her, including Micheletto and Antony. Valentino quickly stood up and tried to straighten his messy doublet. It didn't work.
"Is Arielle gonna have some horses ready for us?" Catherine's gaze lingered on me and Valentino for a moment before turning her attention to Tommaso.
"He seemed annoyed but we will be getting our transportation." He spoke as Cinzia joined him at his side.  She latched onto him and he kissed her cheek. I assume the two are married, no reason to believe otherwise. He was quite handsome, I could see why Cinzia was so taken with him. He had eyes like a fox, sharp features with a slick smile. His hair was raven black and past his shoulders, it just added to his overall mysterious look.
"Perfect!" Catherine squealed. "Let's wait outside." She carried a basket with her and the only thing I could see sticking out of it was two bottles of wine. Cinzia carried blankets and Anselma had another basket but I couldn't see what was in it.
"I'm gonna wait in here if that's okay." I called to them as they started to leave. "Someone come get me when you're ready."
"Will do." Catherine waved right before they all left. The one who stayed inside with me was Micheletto. He had his arms crossed over his chest, I knew he was mad. He too looked a little disheveled, his red hair was messy, full of sweat. His clothes were messed up in a very similar way to Valentinos.
"Care to explain?" He came over to me. I was still sitting and he towered over me.
"Me?" I questioned. "What about yourself?" I sat back in my seat again, my hand over my stomach. "Since when are you and Antony friends?" I pointed to the door with my chin.
"We aren't friends." He said but I rolled my eyes.
"You practice sword fighting with people who aren't your friends do you?" His eyes widened at me. "That's what Valentino said you went off to do." He knew I didn't like him and I thought he didn't either. What did he find out about Antony that would make him want to spend time together.
"We were talking about some techniques, he asked if I could show him. That's all."
He crouched down in front of me when I refused to let my eyes meet his.
"Now what was all that?" It was hard to avoid his gaze.
"It was nothing. The baby was kicking and he was feeling the kicks." Micheletto narrowed his eyes at me.
"And why was he feeling the kicking?" I hadn't told Micheletto yet about Valentino taking the baby but now was a good a time as any.
"I think he should feel his baby kick." I shrugged. His face turned red.
"His what?" He was grinning his teeth.
"After the baby is born Valentino will take over as guardian." Micheletto went from squatting in front of me to sitting next to me in a single move.
"What did you do?"
"It wasn't me. Valentino offered to take the baby and I agreed. Very simple."
"Not simple." Our voices were hushed. There were party guest in the foyer but none were close enough to hear our whispers.
"What other plan did we have?"
"You are so reckless!" He wanted to scream but he was obviously holding it in. "He is friends with the Pope. You don't think he will be around, and eventually bring the child around as well?"
"So what if he does? I can make sure that he never tells the child about me. No one will ever know as long as Valentino can keep a secret."
"And what if he can't?"
"He will, I trust him."
"Let's go!" Catherine stuck her head into the foyer. "Carriage is ready!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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