Two Years Later - Part 1

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And here we go!! The story officially starts!! Please enjoy!!!

Sabaody Train Station was a grandiose place. It took up a huge part of Sabaody City, no, actually, it was precisely because of the station that the city itself was able to be constructed. The railroads spread out at every single direction, connecting the city with almost every corner in the world, and thanks to the complexity of the railroads, different parts of the city were built based on the locations they were most well connected to.

The majority of the city was dedicated to tourism and commercial trading, parts existed for factories exploiting the special environmental conditions there, and of course, a small portion of the city was the more shady section, where crimes often happened. You would think if they were to return, they would surely be caught up in some nasty business in the shady area, but no, they were not, and why, you may ask, it was because only two of them were back at the moment.

It was a small yet peaceful cafe at a secluded corner in the city, and beside the window sat a pair of people, one of whom devouring a whole pizza, and the other just glaring out the window while drumming his fingers on the table. The girl finished the pizza within a surprisingly short amount of time, let out an almighty belch, and heaved a relaxed sigh. "Goddamn it have some decency, will you?" Kid snapped annoyedly and threw some napkins at Bonney. She stuck out her tongue as she caught the napkins and downed a glass of water.

"I'm bored." She said, and Kid rolled his eyes. "You've said that enough times in the past few days just shut up about it." He growled. Bonney let out a groan and flung herself back in her seat. "Ahhhhh why the hell did they send us back so early? This's a nice city to tour around but it doesn't take three weeks to see all of it." She said. The two of them were silent for about five seconds, and Bonney raised her hand and ordered another round of food.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the others though." She said, stuffing her face with several corn dogs at the same time. Kid rolled his eyes again but smirked. "I am as well. I wanna see their reaction when they see how little you changed."
"Aww, don't be so mean. I'm excited to see their reaction when they saw how much more buffed you look, hahaha." The conversation then subsided, and for another few minutes, there was only the sound of Bonney munching on food that kept being served, until both of them looked out the window again and saw two people staring at them.

One of them was wearing a long black coat and dotted jeans, and the hat on his head looked extra familiar. The woman standing beside him had flowing green hair and was wearing something more suitable for the season, and a faint smile was on her face. Kid and Bonney, the latter still chewing on a hamburger, just stared back at them, and a few moments later, the two outside the window walked off.

"Well that's pretty underwhelming." Bonney said with a laugh. "Oi you bastards! Get the hell back here!!" Kid shouted and went after the two. Bonney continued eating, humming a light tune and waiting for Kid to return with the two. It took less than a minute before Kid sat back down heavily in his seat with the two at the table behind them.

"What do you lot want?" Law asked darkly, and Monet chuckled and waved. "Finally!! Now four out of the fourteen are back!!" Bonney shouted at last, jumping up and flinging herself at Monet. Law and Kid seemed undisturbed by the two and just stared on. "You haven't changed at all, still an asshole." Kid said after a while. "Same goes to you." Law replied, and finally, the two smirked at last.

Just then, the door to the cafe opened. They didn't pay it much attention until the door opened again. "Stop wandering off to places like that! You know how much time it took me to look for you last time you were lost?!"
"Damn it I wasn't lost! And weren't you the one who's been screaming about hot chocolate? I'm just here to see if I can get some and shut you up!"
"No you shut up! Not cute at all!"
"Goddamn it!!"

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