"We will," Keith returned. Then Pidge cut the connection.



The connection cut off, leaving her with a last look at Hunk's fearful face. She knew he had a lot of anxiety about the team after Lance disappeared. It hurt her to see him so afraid. Which was why she wasn't lying when she said she would be fine. She had to be, for him.

She turned to Keith, who had set down his knife and was now fastening his armor. 

"So, what did you hear earlier, before the briefing?" she inquired. Her curiosity was killing her, but she had set it aside to contact the team. With that distraction gone, it was now at the forefront of her thoughts.

Keith sighed, a puzzled look on his face. He paused in putting his armor on, thinking

"They had their masks off, so I could hear their voices a lot better. Captain Pike sounded... familiar. And he was talking to the other Deathhawks about "sucking it up" and "putting feelings aside". He said it was weird "seeing us again". I think we've met him before, but for the life of me I can't place where. It's like I've heard the voice, but it's different. I think that's what he may be hiding. I think he knows us."

"And he can't tell us he knows us, because that would reveal who he was?" Pidge ventured.

Realization dawned on Keith's face. "Yeah! I was wondering why he wouldn't just tell us, but I guess that makes sense."

Pidge thought for a minute. "Who have we met that might have been in the slave trades? Maybe an old galra prisoner?"

"I guess," Keith answered with a shrug, "it's not like we'll ever find out."

"True. Uhg, but it's going to drive me nuts!" she groaned back.

They heard a knock at their door, and Pidge opened it to find Dagger looking down at her.

"Birdie has a visual confirmation, Eravi has arrived for the fight. We leave in 5 dobashes." he said curtly, speeding away down the hall not a second later.

Pidge looked to Keith, who had just fastened the last of his armor plating. He grabbed his Marmora knife, picked up her helmet and handed it to her, and both walked out the door.



When Keith and Pidge walked into the hangar, Pike couldn't help feeling a twinge of fear for their safety. He knew how BAD these slave traders were, and he knew the paladins underestimated who they were up against. If it weren't for them needing the extra hands, he would have made them stay back with Star. Still, he was glad to have their help.

As they took off, Pike thought about the plan. He organized the task forces the way he did for a reason; and not just by skillset. Every part of him still saw her like a little sister, and he just couldn't put her where a firefight was imminent. Granted, he hated doing the same to Keith. But if anyone would come out on top of one, it would be the red paladin. 

The Dens were purposely close, just a few planets away. True to the name, The Dens were a network of underground tunnels on the planet Trazvir. As they approached, Dagger flipped a switch on the pod console. The holoshield shimmered beneath them, leading anyone below to believe there was nothing above but the vast expanse of sky. It wasn't the cloaking tech he'd known and loved with Voltron, but it made do. As long as they stayed high enough, they went unnoticed. After finding a landing spot close to The Dens, but far enough for the pod to remain hidden, they stepped silently off the craft.

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