010 - Limbo

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Onika POV
August 11th, 2019

I sat quietly in the passenger seat as Kenneth drove fast on the highway. We were on our way back to our house from the Hot Girl Sumer video shoot and it was dead silent in the car. I knew he was mad about what Megan said but I already told him she was joking. He hadn't said anything to me for the first hour of the ride and we had another whole hour left. My stomach was slightly cramping and I kept moving to try and get rid of the pain.

"Onika sit still."
"But baby-"
"But baby what?" He replied plainly. I pouted and sighed, turning my head back to the window. He turned the radio on and listened to the Nipsey song that played.

"You know I wouldn't actually-"
"I know Onika."
"Then why are you treating me like I'm the one who said the shit?! I turned down the alcohol, I told her why- what else do you fuckin want from me Zoo?!" I asked, raising my voice a bit and sitting towards him.

"Watch that tone Onika."
"No! It's not fucking fair!"
"What's not fair is a bitch who don't know shit about our situation telling my wife to fucking abort our baby just so y'all can 'have fun'." He expressed angrily. I watched his ears turn red and backed against the door.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered, bring my knees to my chest and hiding my face as I started to cry. Kenneth sighed and pulled over. I looked out our tinted windows and saw he pulled into a gas station.

"No mamas I'm sorry. I should not be talking to you with allat bass in my voice. That girl really got under my skin with that comment and I took it out on you. I apologize mamas." Kenneth says while pulling my hands from my face. I tried to pull my arms away from him and cried harder when I couldn't.

"Let goooo!"
"I'm sorry baby, okay. I'm sorry." He pulled me onto his lap and I cried on his shoulder.

"I can't even do this wife and mother shit right!"
"But you are though mamas. You're a great wife and you gon be a even better mother. I'm sorry for letting my frustration get the best of me." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. The cramping in my stomach became more intense, making me cry more.

"Zoo my stomach hurts" I whimpered, grabbing onto his shirt. He spotted one of the security guards he hired and called him over to the car.

"Aye Kentrell, drive us to the nearest hospital. Quick." Kenneth commanded while getting out and moving us to the back. I straddled his lap, flat out sobbing from the pain.

"Babe it's getting worse" I whined loudly and he sighed, holding me tighter in his arms.

Kenneth POV
3 Days Later: August 14th, 2019

Walking into the house, I frowned hearing Autobiography blasting loudly this early. I put Onika's breakfast in the kitchen before going upstairs.

"What the fuck.." I mumbled as I stepped into the bedroom. It was completely destroyed. Paintings were off the wall, several of Onika's plaques were broken, and her song book looked like a pitbull got to it.

"Wifeyyy? Baby girl where you at?" I call out, going towards the bathroom. I stepped in a small puddle of water and looked up at the door. I grabbed the door handle and tried to open it, feeling it lock.

"Aight, open this door Onika!" I banged against the door, feeling adrenaline rush through my veins as I prepared to push the wooden door down.

"I really hate breaking shit." I mumbled while ramming my shoulder into the door making it bust open. My eyes widened as I looked at a lifeless Onika, floating in the tub.

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