the ultimate slutshamer ???

Start from the beginning

Shuichi didn't believe what he was hearing
Gonta would never make comments like that
He could picture kokichi saying those thing not innocent little gonta
Shuichi ran to go find tenko she would surely know
She would definitely be in himikos research lab if she wasn't with kaito with a bag on his head

Shuichi knocked on the door of himikos research lab
A jolly looking Angie opened the door
He seen tenko and himikos behind her
He knew Angie and tenko would know what happened
"Hey tenko what happened in the dinning hall today with kaito and gonta"
Tenko looked angry when he mentioned that
And Angie look a little less jolly then when she opened the door
And himiko was giving Shuichi a 'you definitely should not have mentioned that' face

Shuichi sat down beside the 3 girls
And guess what they told Shuichi exactly what the last 4 fucking people told him
"But Angie did someone tell him to say that "
Angie shook her head
"Gonta was sitting beside me eating raw liver then said 'gonta think you should cover up and not show so much skin you leading people on' then I was shocked I couldn't believe gonta, then kaito jumped to my defence"
Tenko then booted in
"I also defended Angie, kaito and I were yelling and telling gonta off and then kaito told me to leave that he had to tell gonta off and I'm pretty sure he still is"
That's when Shuichi realised gonta and kaito hadn't left the dinning hall since before he was awake
"Jesus Christ do you guys not think something really bad could have happened to gonta"
Tenko looked at Shuichi
"Dude gonta has been making gross comments like that since we arrived kaito is putting that degenerate in his place although I should be there too"

Himiko hadn't said anything the entire time they were there
Maybe she thought the same as Shuichi
But that didn't matter right now because kaito literally could have killed gonta

He arrived at the dinning and just outside the storage room was rantaro and Miu doing a drug deal
they looked at each other confused
"There are people in the dinning hall?"
Rantaro asked
"Who's gonta?"
Miu asked even more confused
"The super buff one who acts like a child when hes like 60"
Rantaro responded
"Eww he always slutshames everyone he's a weirdo"
Miu responded
Shuichi rolled his eyes

He then ran into the dinning hall
That's when he seen kaito punching gonta in the face repeatedly
Like Tyler Durden in ***** ****
Thats when Shuichi remembered his sigma male grind set
He pulled kaito off of gonta
"Who the hell do you think you are Shuichi?"
Kaito was not happy with Shuichi
"I'm saving my friend"
Kaito tried to squirm out of Shuichi's arm
Gonta looked badly injured
"You got lucky this time ass hole I'm going back to my dorm"
With that kaito ran out of the room pissed the hell off

Shuichi helped gonta up
"Its ok I'll help you but what happened?"
Gonta just shrugged his shoulders
"Gonta not really sure he just say what true gentleman would say"
Shuichi realised that everyone was actually telling the truth even kokichi who is known for lying
He was shocked
I mean it's not like Shuichi didn't agree he's a sigma he wasn't a fan of women
Except he loved to look at woman but whatever he didn't care

It didn't exactly give kaito a reason to be in here with gonta for six hours lecturing gonta
Shuichi didn't expect anything less from a beta male like kaito
It's not like keade didn't say kaito refuses to share a bed with maki because he doesn't want to make maki uncomfortable
Shuichi was a sigma so he thought kaito was your average beta male
But Shuichi knew his sigma thoughts should be kept to himself and definitely shouldn't be told to kaito or tenko
Shuichi was still working on getting stronger so kaito and tenko could definitely kick his ass as of right now, but he'd obviously be built like the rock in no time

That still didn't really explain why gonta would slutshame anyone
Again plenty of other people in the academy would
But not innocent little gonta there is just no way
"Gonta who told you that woman should cover up"
Gonta looked at Shuichi
"Well gonta wolf family and it just common sense most men agree with gonta but gonta guesses kaito no agree"
Shuichi shook his head
"Yeah you probably should tell woman that maybe keep it to yourself"
Shuichi helped gonta to his dorm
Kaito really did a number on him

Just after night time fell Shuichi went to go train outside
He seen kaito standing there in his training spot
"I don't think so Shuichi go back inside"
Shuichi was confused
"You don't need to train you just want to train so you can abuse keade or something"
Shuichi shook his head
"What are you talking about kaito"
Kaito was disgusted at Shuichi
"You need to go work on your mircoaggresions buddy you don't need to train now just back inside before you end up like gonta"
Shuichi knew kaito could easily kick the shit out of him so he didn't even bother arguing

Shuichi went back to his room and got into bed and of course said
"Night time, time to get some sleep"
Out loud before falling asleep

This is a little bit half assed but its also the longest thing I've written I'm pretty sure so idk

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