"The head of this gang is called Kingpin but his real name is Wilson Fisk. He didn’t choose his alias but he certainly lives up to the moniker. He’s heavy weight and is trained in multiple forms of martial arts. Though he is known to have a sumo preference. Unfortunately, despite his martial arts history, he is also a genius strategist. A point in your favor, however, is the fact that you’re smaller than him, so you’ll move faster. Use that to your advantage and don’t be afraid to hit low.”

She continues on, explaining all that she knew. He was smuggling some new drug that had unknown effects, “I’m not joking when I say it’s new. I only really discovered it because when I was hacking into the warehouse security, some of his goons were talking about it. I’m currently trying to make my way into his personal database to try and get more info. It’s really hard though.” She had said.

I fling myself up onto a rooftop and frown, despite the fact she couldn’t see me, “But you got into his warehouse?”

There was a small pause before Claire whispers sheepishly, “Spider, be careful, it might be a trap.”

I scoff but start on my way once more, feeling rather fond of Claire. “Did you give Emily a heads up?” Because if this guy was as dangerous as Claire was making him out to be, I'll probably be needing a medic when I got home. If I go home.

“Yeah, I gave her a heads up that she may be called home.”

I nod, “Alright. Let’s hope this is just a quick in and out thing.”

There was a scoff on the other end and I sigh, “Yeah, what am I thinking? The difficulty rating would have shot up eventually.” There was no way the Fates would’ve let me get away with having a simple and easy time as a vigilante.

It was indeed not a quick and simple thing. It very much was not. The goons were easy enough to deal with, most of them were hired thugs with shit aim and little to no training. Which made things even more suspicious to me that this was all a setup. Why have such shit guards to protect something so seemingly important?

So yeah, definitely a trap, “Maybe he’s a fan of your work?” Claire's voice is pitched high, a little shaky at the thought that she inadvertently sent her sibling to their death.

“Awe, I’m flattered.” I duck under a wild crowbar swing from another goon. I grabbed his outstretched arm and yeeted him into a group of three that were charging towards me. I had them wrapped and hanging within seconds.

Suddenly my senses spiked and I dropped to the ground, a beam of light flew over my head and I watched in shock and surprise when the beam hit a nearby barrel and I watched in horror as it vaporized instantly. I snapped my head in the direction the beam came from and in all his glory stood Kingpin, white suit and all.

“I want that cane.” Claire whispers.

“Ah! Spiderman! I heard so much about you!” He started with a grin but it soon fell into a harsh frown and he scoffs, “Tsk. You’ve managed to put some of my best men in prison. I don’t appreciate that.”

“Well, you should’ve trained them better then. They were kinda sloppy.” I bounce out of the way of another of his goons, webbing him up. “Seriously, They were so sloppy. Didn’t check for motion sensors or anything. Either they weren’t trained well enough or they got arrogant. You should do something about that."

He swipes at me with a large meaty hand and I drop low to the ground, planting my hands on the ground and flinging out my legs, aiming to kick at least one of his legs out from under him.

He shifts enough to avoid it and brings up a foot to try and stomp on my legs but I twist out of the way before he can and spring backwards until I’m on my feet again.

I glance around trying to figure out a way to take this bastard down quickly. I glance at his staff and hum, “My friend really wants that cane of yours, can I have it please?”

He guffaws, “You’re really think that now is the time to ask if I’d give you something of mine!” He gives me a feral grin, “Not a chance, Spidey.”

He swings his cane at me immediately and I use the opportunity and grab it. I only slightly regret the action when he uses that to smash a fist into my chest, throwing me away from him. But with his cane in my hand and I grin even as I wheeze, “Happy early birthday, Doc.”

“Thank you!” She sings into my ear.

I throw the cane high up into the air and shoot it with my web to stick it to the metal cross beams of the warehouse. “Thanks, now I don’t have to spend money on her this year.” I giggle.

He rushes at me shifting his center of gravity lower and I leap up. But he grabs me by the leg and slams me down onto the ground. Claire may have miscalculated his speed and reactions.

The air leaves my lungs in a sharp and pained gasp, my yell lost because of the loss of air.

I struggle to breath for several seconds as he pulls back a fist to punch me. I throw my arms up and they take the brunt of the hit. Whether his strength was natural or enhanced, it was still a heavy hit and hurt enough I just knew I was gonna bruise badly by the time this was over. And I’ll probably have some on my back and front.

I force myself to turn out my hands and catch his next punch. I grip it as tightly as I could and plant my feet on his chest, sirens are suddenly heard in the distance and I push with every ounce of strength.

Kingpin's eyes widened in shock and surprise. And to my own surprise I manage to launch the mob boss across the warehouse and into the metal wall.

I grip onto a nearby box and push myself to my feet. I shoot out webs quickly at Kingpin, webbing him up against the dented wall as the siren gets close enough to the warehouse for me to feel comfortable with leaving. I snag the cane as I leave, “Nice meeting you, Kingpin. Please be a good boy and wait for the police and cooperate with them. Bye bye, now.”

I hear his angered roar as I throw myself out of the high window. I grimace as gravity pulls me down and pulls on my injuries as I swing away quickly.

This was gonna be such a pain in the ass to hide and deal with at work tomorrow.

“Bad news, Spider.” Claire speaks up seriously after several minutes of silent swinging.

I groaned, already knowing the news, “The motherfucker got out, didn’t he?”

“Yeah… I dunno how exactly though, as the cameras cut out moments after you left.” She says.

I groan, “I’ve got a feeling he’ll be a recurring villain for me. Keep an ear out, yeah?”

“Of course, Spidey. Emily has returned home and is waiting to take a look at your wounds.” She informs me.

“Okay. Thank you, Doc. You’re the best.”

The Spider: OriginsWhere stories live. Discover now