Chapter Three

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What I imagine Isabelle to look like...

Isabelle walked out of a store called Baby world where you could get all things baby. She had the day off and she was using her free time to shop for the baby.

She walked through the mall holding the bags of stuff she already purchased sipping on a smoothie she got earlier. She glanced behind her seeing two men dressed in black suits, dark shades and black leather gloves. She frowned finding it strange that they were just silently walking behind her but she figured they were going the same place. Even secret agents needed stuff from the mall. She giggled at the thought walking into Victoria Secret.

She browsed the store looking for bigger sized undergarments because her own were becoming too small as her pregnancy progressed. She picked out a few pieces she liked and began cashing them. She glanced out the window seeing the two well dressed men standing in the opposite side of the corridor, watching her.

She felt herself swallow in slight panic feeling her palms become clammy. She shook her head convincing herself that maybe they were just waiting for someone. After paying for her stuff she quickly headed to the parking lot throwing her many bags into the backseat before hopping in and pulling out.

She took a deep breath of relief from leaving that scaring situation before she chuckled to herself, think she was just paranoid. Nodding to the soft music coming from the radio, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel. Looking up in her rear view mirror, there behind her was the same two men.

Fear raced through her body but took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She took four right turns and sure enough they continued to trail her. She passed her house seeing more men watching from across the street. She immediately pulled into her drive way getting out.

"Okay, why the hell or you following me and watching my house?"

The anger in her voice was clear along with a trace of fear. She clenched her fists glaring daggers at the men. The men shared a look probably debating whether to tell her or not.

"We're here to ensure your protection"

Confusion washed over her features at the man's words.

"Protection from what?"

The man sighed removing his shades revealing chocolate brown eyes.

"We are not at liberty to disclose that information Miss. Andrews"

Isabelle's eyes widened and she quickly grabbed her things from the car and hurried into her house. She locked her door and bolted it looking out her window seeing them still sitting in the car, watching.

She sighed heading up to the baby's nursery to put the stuff she bought away, only to see a large figure standing over the crib.

She stopped in her tracks fear racing through her. Swallowing hard, the bags falling from her grasp and grabbed the nearest thing to defend herself which was unfortunately a book.

At the sound of the bags hitting the floor the figure stilled for a moment before turning around. Isabelle's breath hitched as the familiar face came into view.

"What the hell are you doing here? How do you know where I lived?"

Devilish looked down on the small, pregnant woman with a frown etched on his face as she bombarded him with questions.

"Relax I'm just here to discuss a very important matter with you regarding the safety of you and ou-...your baby"

He quickly corrected himself not wanting to freak her out. Not yet anyways.

Isabelle eyed him suspiciously armed with her book. After a moment she slowly lowering the book giving him a small nod, silently telling him to continue.

"Look Isabelle some very bad people are after you because your pregnant for the Capo"

Her eyebrows knitted up in confusion frowning deeply. "Capo?" She questioned.

"A member of the Italian Mafia" he clarified.

Devilish grabbed onto her arms supporting her as her knees buckled. Shaking her head in denial muttering the word no.

"No! That's impossible. Why donate to the sperm bank if he knew this shit was gonna happen!"

Devilish bit his lip nervously avoiding her eyes.

"Well it was a long time ago before he was even the Capo and it was a drunken bet"

He hoped she wouldn't freak out but to his surprise she wasn't freaked out, she was angry.

"Well if that's the case where the hell is he then?"

Her angry eyes stared him down burning holes into his face waiting for his answer which was a smirk.

"Devilish Anderson your new baby daddy, it's nice to meet you"

Chapter three improved is out. Hope you like it.

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