86.How to run with the ball, wait online, hurry up! 3.2

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I don't know if he felt what he was thinking in his heart,
or what, the man's movements became more and more fierce.

Before fainting,
Luo Mio also bit the man's shoulder very viciously.

Vaguely, the taste of rust seems to be tasted in the mouth.

Luo Mio was woken up by the system, and he didn't know how long he had slept.

As soon as he opened his eyes,
he met a sharp and handsome face.

The kind that can fascinate thousands of boys and girls.

But the soreness all over his body made him just want to give him another bite on top.

But in order not to wake him up,
try to lift the person carefully.

Struggled up, put on clothes,
and ran with difficulty.

After going out and getting into the car,
Luo Mio thought of a serious question.

Nima, this is a world of running with the ball.

Clutching the cushion under his body, Luo Mio's voice was a little dry.

'Tong'er, tell me, I am a man,
how can I run with the ball? '

The system, which was floating in the space,
fell to the ground with a bang.


It...it it...forgot.

Quickly got up and said tremblingly.

'Su...Su...Host, you may not believe me if you tell me, but I...'

'You really don't know do you.'
Luo Mio's interface was cold.

According to his understanding of the system,
such a spicy chicken must be useless.

System: '...Host, let me tell you that if you despise me so much,
you will really be beaten by me. '

Luo Mio let out a soft snort, very disdainful.

'You still hit me, but you come here, the key is can you? '

System: ... so angry.

Spicy chicken host.

Luo Mio also kept cursing the hot chicken system in his mind.

It's fine to grab the bloody drama point, but it's okay to grab the heroine.

But let him be a blue boy with different hardware, how can he dribble the ball?

Where is he going to get a ball?

Did it fall from the sky?


'The host, how about a test-tube baby? '

The system stopped bickering and helped out with ideas.

When Luo Mi heard this,
he was stunned for a moment,
and then his whole body became stiff.

His face also gradually turned red.

Test-tube babies need a child.

It has to be the male lead.

Where did the hero's wife come from?

The answer is really obvious.

Just now he was afraid that he would not be able to run away,
so he left in a hurry, so naturally he didn't clean his body, so...

But, what a shame.

This bloody drama is really going to die.

Can he say no?

'No, host, this is a key plot, but don't worry,
our system is very good at solving problems for the host. '

"Hehe..." Luo Mi sneered twice.

The system was dissatisfied and stood up to explain.

'Host, trust me, I can directly use the data to simulate the value of your body, then transfer the embryo to the system space,
and use the genius treasure to cultivate a baby. '

'Moreover, the baby who will come out at that time will definitely be smarter than the child written in the book, and it will definitely be a real child prodigy. '

Speaking of this, the system proudly puffed out its small chest.

Luo Mio's eyes lit up when he was swearing by the system.

Junya's face was also full of joy,

'Really? '

Don't need to go to that, what to take to the hospital?

Is it reliable?

The system nodded decisively and immediately began to extract data.

It must show its shame,
and let the host surrender to the five bodies it admires.

Cultivate the smartest little prince.

make a fist.

Luo Mio didn't know the ambitions of the system,
and after the most concerned problem was solved, his heart immediately relaxed.

What followed was physical fatigue.

Fortunately, there weren't many cars on the street at this point,
and Y Wang, who was down, forced himself to drive to the airport. 

Quick travel to tease the heart: male gods are always attacked:Part 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt