17.Classmate, let's learn about Tom Su 1.17

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But because of  guilty conscience, he acted very carefully.

He sneaked a peek, then retracted it, and peeked again after a while.

That movement is like a greedy cat, worried that the owner will not eat it, so it can only covet quietly.

Thought no one would find out.

As everyone knows,
the excrement shovel officer, who has been paying attention all the time, has been paying attention to everything.

The strong hostility turned into a helpless smile.

Shaking his head, he walked over.

Let's feed him first and then talk about other things.

In order not to be starved, when the time comes to show your paws, you will still be the one scratching, and the one who will feel distressed will still be yourself.

Luo Mio's nose moved, the smell of food spread from far to near.

The small Adam's apple rolled twice, and there was fluid in the mouth.

Forced to draw his attention back from the delicious place, he looked at the dean with scorching eyes.

Expect him to call the shots for them and teach those students a lesson.

The dean was seen as Alexander,
with such a childish look, he felt a little faint.

Before he had time to express his opinion, he heard a group of young masters and young ladies who were not afraid of death laugh at him.

"Director, you have to take a good look at it. We are so far apart, how can we bully you?"

"It's because they want to bully us. After all, it's normal for lowly poor people like them to be jealous of us. It's more normal to do small things secretly."

As soon as one person finished speaking, the next one answered immediately.

"That is, maybe there are many shady things done in places we don't know about."

"Sneaking chickens and dogs? Hahaha..."

"Maybe it's even more shameless and obscene, hahaha..."

"Just like these two little boys, they dare to yell at us, I'm afraid they have been taken care of by someone long ago."

The more he said, the more outrageous he became, the angry Luo Mi was furious, and the top of his head almost smoked.

'Tong'er, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to make a fuss. '

The system that enjoyed watching the movie saw its host, as if it had been wronged a lot, and began to cry like a storm.

Yes, that's right, cry.

Aggrieved like a kitten who has been bullied hard, tears are pattering down.

It is really sad for the listener and tears for the hearer.

Wiping the tears off his face, he turned around and rushed towards the person who was walking quickly, grabbed the other person's arm, and looked up pitifully.

he pursed his lips and said nothing, his eyes were red.

For a big boy to make such an action,
it doesn't make people feel that it violates harmony at all.

On the contrary, because of the handsome appearance that has not yet opened, which is between maturity and youthfulness, it makes people feel soft.

Zong Yujin quickly took out his handkerchief and wiped the water droplets on his(Lm?)face, his movements were gentle and careful.

His complexion was cold, and his air pressure was extremely low.

The others were still crying to Luo Mio suddenly, a little dazed.

When he saw Zong Yujin, his heart twisted, his nerves were tense, and his breathing stagnated.

Will he...

They looked at each other anxiously.

"Master Zong, Young Master Luo..."
the dean opened his mouth cautiously. As soon as he called Luo Mio,
the other party glanced at him and immediately changed his words,
"Student Luo."

Seeing the other party look away, he exhaled and continued.

"What happened this time was due to our mismanagement. Please rest assured that the school is a place for class and study. We will definitely punish such disturbances severely."

The dean has a serious face and trembling in his heart.

Zong Yujin couldn't afford to mess with him.

Those young masters and ladies have identities.

But the bullied Young Master Luo is not easy to mess with.

He really doesn't understand, these days, these young masters and ladies, each of whom is clearly valuable, wants to play some tricks of the poor.

What's wrong?

Quick travel to tease the heart: male gods are always attacked:Part 1Where stories live. Discover now