
136 3 2

( Y / N ) ' s       P O V

It had been almost a week since Josh came to his house. Sometimes, I felt I was rude to Percy, but hey! I was thinking of this for a long time when I felt a sudden pain in my abdomen. I rushed in the toilet to check and urggggggggggggghhhhh - why did HERA and ARTEMIS create periods? I attached an in-case of emergency pad (yes, I do have one) on my underwear, before leaving the room.

"Percy?" I asked quietly.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms hugging me from behind.

"Yes?" Percy asked quietly, snuggling his head in the crook of my neck.

"I need-"




I pried myself of Percy before screaming, "COULD YOU LISTEN TO ME ONCE! YES, YES, YES. ANNOYING ASS-"

I stopped midway, realizing what I was about to say.

"Since when had my princess started saying bad words?" Percy asked, smirking.

"Take me to the drug store?" I asked.


One Mississippi, two Mississippi- just as expected, Percy's face fell into an O.


I tried Bing AI, and uploaded my face so that it could change it to a realistic avatar and...

I tried Bing AI, and uploaded my face so that it could change it to a realistic avatar and

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This is SOOOOO me :) I cant believe it! And, I was wearing a part-see through shirt. You could see u know what if you zoomed in.

Sorry for the short chp. I cant think of anymore ideas.  😵


Alisha D'Linth

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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